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NEW PRODUCT: Thunder Toys: 1/6 Mr. Dots Action Figure (#TD2024A/B)

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Founding Father
Thunder Toys 1/6 Mr Dots(#TD2024A

Head (reular) :*1
Glasses :*1
Body :*1
Forearm gadget :*2
Hands :*3
Suit :*1
Belt :*1
Boots :*1

Special effect requires to be exposed under UV lighting,
afterwards it will glow in different colors in vivid action.

Cut Off date :2021.11.28
Shipping Date :2022 Q1

TD2024B - NEW PRODUCT: Thunder Toys: 1/6 Mr. Dots Action Figure (#TD2024A/B) 13290810
TD2024B - NEW PRODUCT: Thunder Toys: 1/6 Mr. Dots Action Figure (#TD2024A/B) 13290910
TD2024B - NEW PRODUCT: Thunder Toys: 1/6 Mr. Dots Action Figure (#TD2024A/B) 13291010
TD2024B - NEW PRODUCT: Thunder Toys: 1/6 Mr. Dots Action Figure (#TD2024A/B) 13291311
TD2024B - NEW PRODUCT: Thunder Toys: 1/6 Mr. Dots Action Figure (#TD2024A/B) 13291410
TD2024B - NEW PRODUCT: Thunder Toys: 1/6 Mr. Dots Action Figure (#TD2024A/B) 13291611
TD2024B - NEW PRODUCT: Thunder Toys: 1/6 Mr. Dots Action Figure (#TD2024A/B) 13291710

Thunder Toys 1/6 Mr Dots(#TD2024B


Head (reular) :*1
Head (varient):*1
Glasses :*1
Body :*1
Forearm gadget :*2
Hands :*3
Suit :*1
Belt :*1
Boots :*1
Special Effect :*1

Special effect requires to be exposed under UV lighting,
afterwards it will glow in different colors in vivid action.

Cut Off date :2021.11.28
Shipping Date :2022 Q1

TD2024B - NEW PRODUCT: Thunder Toys: 1/6 Mr. Dots Action Figure (#TD2024A/B) 13293410
TD2024B - NEW PRODUCT: Thunder Toys: 1/6 Mr. Dots Action Figure (#TD2024A/B) 13293610
TD2024B - NEW PRODUCT: Thunder Toys: 1/6 Mr. Dots Action Figure (#TD2024A/B) 13293711
TD2024B - NEW PRODUCT: Thunder Toys: 1/6 Mr. Dots Action Figure (#TD2024A/B) 13293910
TD2024B - NEW PRODUCT: Thunder Toys: 1/6 Mr. Dots Action Figure (#TD2024A/B) 13294010
TD2024B - NEW PRODUCT: Thunder Toys: 1/6 Mr. Dots Action Figure (#TD2024A/B) 13294110
TD2024B - NEW PRODUCT: Thunder Toys: 1/6 Mr. Dots Action Figure (#TD2024A/B) 13294210
TD2024B - NEW PRODUCT: Thunder Toys: 1/6 Mr. Dots Action Figure (#TD2024A/B) 13294410
TD2024B - NEW PRODUCT: Thunder Toys: 1/6 Mr. Dots Action Figure (#TD2024A/B) 13294411
TD2024B - NEW PRODUCT: Thunder Toys: 1/6 Mr. Dots Action Figure (#TD2024A/B) 13294610
TD2024B - NEW PRODUCT: Thunder Toys: 1/6 Mr. Dots Action Figure (#TD2024A/B) 13294710
TD2024B - NEW PRODUCT: Thunder Toys: 1/6 Mr. Dots Action Figure (#TD2024A/B) 13295010
TD2024B - NEW PRODUCT: Thunder Toys: 1/6 Mr. Dots Action Figure (#TD2024A/B) 13295110
TD2024B - NEW PRODUCT: Thunder Toys: 1/6 Mr. Dots Action Figure (#TD2024A/B) 13295210

#newproduct #ThunderToys #Mr.Dots #male #movie-based #comicbook


Here's hoping someone not hot toys creates a good bloodsport figure. Loved that guy but not enough to pay HT prices lol.


Founding Father
Aside from the shark dude, it doesn't look like HT is going to go any further for that movie.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

TD2024B - NEW PRODUCT: Thunder Toys: 1/6 Mr. Dots Action Figure (#TD2024A/B) C8485110


Strange why they wouldn't make arguably the main character of that movie though.


Proto looks good here for what it is. I'm just weary cause that spider-man that just came out from this same company doesn't look as good.



Founding Father
Theflyingman wrote:Strange why they wouldn't make arguably the main character of that movie though.

You’d think Harley would be a given considering how many they’ve already done of her, and maybe Idris Alba.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

TD2024B - NEW PRODUCT: Thunder Toys: 1/6 Mr. Dots Action Figure (#TD2024A/B) C8485110

Moonbase Alpha Male

Moonbase Alpha Male
Stryker2011 wrote:
Theflyingman wrote:Strange why they wouldn't make arguably the main character of that movie though.

You’d think Harley would be a given considering how many they’ve already done of her, and maybe Idris Alba.

Harley probably seemed redundant (as a potential buyer can just as easily expand the Squad with an existing one).  Bloodsport would have done well as you say especially because Idris Elba has his own pre-existing fanbase.  But I would have thought the most viable figure by far would be Peacemaker, because of the John Cena likeness broadening its appeal, and the fact he's got his own TV series coming up.  (At mass retail level McFarlane Toys ticked everyone off by making two separate figures, "unremovable helmet" for general release and "unmasked no helmet at all" as a Target exclusive, where these days most retail figures would simply include two heads).

The guidance counselor was surprised: “I didn’t even know career aptitude tests had a Super-Villain category.”


Founding Father
Figures McFarlane would pull a stunt like that. That guy is the Howard Chan of the 7” figure realm.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

TD2024B - NEW PRODUCT: Thunder Toys: 1/6 Mr. Dots Action Figure (#TD2024A/B) C8485110


I have absolutely no idea who this character is, but the name ‘Mr Dots’ gave me the most visceral flashback to a similarly named kid’s tv programme I remember seeing as a youngster - ‘Dòtaman’, (‘spinning top’ in Gaelic)
It was entirely in Scottish Gaelic, which I sadly don’t speak, but the main guy always sang great, yet completely incomprehensible (to me!) songs and had a different hat for every one!

I know this is completely off topic but it gave me a fond wee trip down memory lane!

- - - -


Founding Father
He’s from The Suicide Squad (the recent one).


He who dies with the most toys wins!

TD2024B - NEW PRODUCT: Thunder Toys: 1/6 Mr. Dots Action Figure (#TD2024A/B) C8485110

Moonbase Alpha Male

Moonbase Alpha Male
Stryker2011 wrote:He’s from The Suicide Squad (the recent one).

Before that, he has about 60 years of history as a DC Comics Batman villain (third or fourth rank member of the Batman Rogues' Gallery), with pretty much this same exact costume going back to 1962. One cool thing about the Suicide Squad is the very deep cuts into lesser characters of DC history. Similarly, Peacemaker goes back to 1967, being more prominent than Polka-Dot Man for two reasons. Firstly, he headlined his own comic at various times. Secondly, Peacemaker is actually The Comedian character in The Watchmen, and probably much more widely known in the latter identity. DC asked Alan Moore to write a series for the stable of Charlton Comics heroes that they had just acquired. He came up with the Watchmen script, which was great, but it burned up the Charlton characters so that DC couldn't use them afterwards. So Watchmen shifted to using analog equivalents, The Question = Rorschach, Blue Beetle = Nite Owl, Captain Atom = Dr Manhattan, and Peacekeeper = The Comedian.

The guidance counselor was surprised: “I didn’t even know career aptitude tests had a Super-Villain category.”


Moonbase Alpha Male: That was seriously informative. Thanks so much for sharing my friend.


Founding Father
Totally lost (both immediate and original source), but I like it.

I'll be back!


Founding Father
Oddly enough, I just watched this movie yesterday; JFC was that movie violent. I don’t get the mentality of modern filmmakers where everything, ncluding comic book movies that should be accessible to kids have to have a crap load of blood, gore, and swearing. It just goes to show a serious lack of talent to have to constantly rely on shock and awe, and says a lot about the equality devolved level of intelligence of the viewers who enjoy it. There’s something seriously wrong with people today.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

TD2024B - NEW PRODUCT: Thunder Toys: 1/6 Mr. Dots Action Figure (#TD2024A/B) C8485110


Founding Father
Unfortunately that sounds very true.

I'll be back!

Moonbase Alpha Male

Moonbase Alpha Male
Stryker2011 wrote:Oddly enough, I just watched this movie yesterday; JFC was that movie violent. I don’t get the mentality of modern filmmakers where everything, ncluding comic book movies that should be accessible to kids have to have a crap load of blood, gore, and swearing. It just goes to show a serious lack of talent to have to constantly rely on shock and awe, and says a lot about the equality devolved level of intelligence of the viewers who enjoy it. There’s something seriously wrong with people today.

I think there is a defined satirical intent in Suicide Squad, meant to contrast ironically with something like the MCU which is (much as I lke it and respect it) formulaic, antiseptic, sexless and sanitized while kept artificially within a sterile PG-13 no matter how much destruction may be going on. Stryker2011 I think your comment is perfectly legit in the main course of films overall, but IMHO the satirical intent of Suicide Squad and its spiritual predecessor Deadpool are a special case. They may or may not work for anyone's personal sensibility, but it's not creator's lazyness, pure reliance on shock, or "serious lack of talent". Personally I enjoyed them, and I'll try not to take that "devolved level of intelligence" crack personally. (Just kidding, Stryker2011 my friend).

The guidance counselor was surprised: “I didn’t even know career aptitude tests had a Super-Villain category.”

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