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NEW PRODUCT: PION & RADTOYS: DS001 1/6 Scale Fire Knight

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Founding Father

1. Head * 1

2. Body * 1

3. Armor hand shape A * 2

4. Armor hand shape B * 2

5. Alloy helmet * 1

6. Alloy breastplate * 1

7. Wool shawl * 1

8. Simulated lock armor (arm armor and waist seal) * 1 set

9. Foot type * 1 pair

10. Clothes * 1 set

11. Axe * 1

12. Belt (leather) and accessories * 1 set

13. Crotch bracket * 1

VideoGame-Based - NEW PRODUCT: PION & RADTOYS: DS001 1/6 Scale Fire Knight 01-52821
VideoGame-Based - NEW PRODUCT: PION & RADTOYS: DS001 1/6 Scale Fire Knight 02-52821
VideoGame-Based - NEW PRODUCT: PION & RADTOYS: DS001 1/6 Scale Fire Knight 03-52819
VideoGame-Based - NEW PRODUCT: PION & RADTOYS: DS001 1/6 Scale Fire Knight 04-52820
VideoGame-Based - NEW PRODUCT: PION & RADTOYS: DS001 1/6 Scale Fire Knight 05-52820
VideoGame-Based - NEW PRODUCT: PION & RADTOYS: DS001 1/6 Scale Fire Knight 06-52821
VideoGame-Based - NEW PRODUCT: PION & RADTOYS: DS001 1/6 Scale Fire Knight 07-52821
VideoGame-Based - NEW PRODUCT: PION & RADTOYS: DS001 1/6 Scale Fire Knight 08-52820
VideoGame-Based - NEW PRODUCT: PION & RADTOYS: DS001 1/6 Scale Fire Knight 09-52818
VideoGame-Based - NEW PRODUCT: PION & RADTOYS: DS001 1/6 Scale Fire Knight 10-52885
VideoGame-Based - NEW PRODUCT: PION & RADTOYS: DS001 1/6 Scale Fire Knight 11-52879
VideoGame-Based - NEW PRODUCT: PION & RADTOYS: DS001 1/6 Scale Fire Knight 12-52870
VideoGame-Based - NEW PRODUCT: PION & RADTOYS: DS001 1/6 Scale Fire Knight 13-52857

#newproduct #Pion #RadToys #FireKnight #male #fantasy #videogame-based?


Founding Father
Too fantasy but still interesting. Nice head, too.

I'll be back!


These game fantasy armors don't cut it for me. I like the blue base coat maybe for an elven kitbash

The knight is darkest just before the dawn.


Reminds me of one of those hot or miss Game of Thrones armor designs.


Something about the fur on this doesn't work well for me.


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