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Founding Father
“Nathan Drake… that two-bit thief. Risking it all for some piece of treasure. I guess that’s how they know me, how they’ll remember me.
But that’s not who I am...”​

LIMToys is excited to announce a new 1/6 scale figure:

- Nathan - Unexplored 4 - A Thief's End

The figure represents this iconic explorer on his last epic adventure!
With two highly detailed head sculpts and various accessories and weapons you can display Nathan during an intense gunfight or go for a more relaxed look appropriate for traversing the beautiful locations of the mysterious island of Libertalia.

In addition to regular articulated arms Nathan comes with two newly developed switchable magnetic right seamless arms in order to achieve a new level of realism and both can be used for various poses.

His base comes with a wire in order to pose Nathan in all his iconic poses, the base itself is modelled after some iconic scenery of Libertalia and comes with the flag of the infamous pirate lord Henry Avery whose treasure is the prize Nathan is after, for that special final touch the base can be assembled into a tribute piece where you can display all the treasures he collected on his adventures.


1 x Head sculpt

1 x Head sculpt w/expression

1 x Newly designed original 1/6 male body

7 x Hands

- 1 Closed fist hand

- 1 Trigger hand

- 1 Grabbing hand

- 1 Holding hand

- 1 Relaxed hand

- 1 Relaxed hand w/ring

- 1 Reaching hand w/ring

- 1 Pinching hand w/ring

2 x Seamless magnetic right arms

- 1 Shooting arm

- 1 Relaxed arm


1 x Henley blue shirt

1 x Khaki pants w/belt

1 x Pair of boots

1 x Holster

1 x Pouch

1 x Wrist watch


1 x Beretta 8000 Cougar

1 x HS39 rifle


1 x Journal with illustrations/writting

1 x Grappling hook

1 x Climbing pick

1 x flashlight

1 x Silver skull

1 x Phurba dagger

1 x Cipher disk

1 x Saint Dismas cross

1 x Diorama display base w/flag

4 x Diorama accessory display

1 x Pirate flag

Unexplored4 - NEW PRODUCT: Limtoys: LIM012 1/6 Scale NATHAN -UNEXPLORED 4 43127210
Unexplored4 - NEW PRODUCT: Limtoys: LIM012 1/6 Scale NATHAN -UNEXPLORED 4 43127310
Unexplored4 - NEW PRODUCT: Limtoys: LIM012 1/6 Scale NATHAN -UNEXPLORED 4 43127410
Unexplored4 - NEW PRODUCT: Limtoys: LIM012 1/6 Scale NATHAN -UNEXPLORED 4 43127510
Unexplored4 - NEW PRODUCT: Limtoys: LIM012 1/6 Scale NATHAN -UNEXPLORED 4 43127610
Unexplored4 - NEW PRODUCT: Limtoys: LIM012 1/6 Scale NATHAN -UNEXPLORED 4 43127710
Unexplored4 - NEW PRODUCT: Limtoys: LIM012 1/6 Scale NATHAN -UNEXPLORED 4 43127810
Unexplored4 - NEW PRODUCT: Limtoys: LIM012 1/6 Scale NATHAN -UNEXPLORED 4 43127910
Unexplored4 - NEW PRODUCT: Limtoys: LIM012 1/6 Scale NATHAN -UNEXPLORED 4 43128010
Unexplored4 - NEW PRODUCT: Limtoys: LIM012 1/6 Scale NATHAN -UNEXPLORED 4 43128110
Unexplored4 - NEW PRODUCT: Limtoys: LIM012 1/6 Scale NATHAN -UNEXPLORED 4 43128210
Unexplored4 - NEW PRODUCT: Limtoys: LIM012 1/6 Scale NATHAN -UNEXPLORED 4 43128310
Unexplored4 - NEW PRODUCT: Limtoys: LIM012 1/6 Scale NATHAN -UNEXPLORED 4 43128410
Unexplored4 - NEW PRODUCT: Limtoys: LIM012 1/6 Scale NATHAN -UNEXPLORED 4 43128510
Unexplored4 - NEW PRODUCT: Limtoys: LIM012 1/6 Scale NATHAN -UNEXPLORED 4 43128610
Unexplored4 - NEW PRODUCT: Limtoys: LIM012 1/6 Scale NATHAN -UNEXPLORED 4 43128710
Unexplored4 - NEW PRODUCT: Limtoys: LIM012 1/6 Scale NATHAN -UNEXPLORED 4 43128810
Unexplored4 - NEW PRODUCT: Limtoys: LIM012 1/6 Scale NATHAN -UNEXPLORED 4 43128910
Unexplored4 - NEW PRODUCT: Limtoys: LIM012 1/6 Scale NATHAN -UNEXPLORED 4 43129010
Unexplored4 - NEW PRODUCT: Limtoys: LIM012 1/6 Scale NATHAN -UNEXPLORED 4 43129110
Unexplored4 - NEW PRODUCT: Limtoys: LIM012 1/6 Scale NATHAN -UNEXPLORED 4 43129210
Unexplored4 - NEW PRODUCT: Limtoys: LIM012 1/6 Scale NATHAN -UNEXPLORED 4 43129310
Unexplored4 - NEW PRODUCT: Limtoys: LIM012 1/6 Scale NATHAN -UNEXPLORED 4 43129410
Unexplored4 - NEW PRODUCT: Limtoys: LIM012 1/6 Scale NATHAN -UNEXPLORED 4 43129510
Unexplored4 - NEW PRODUCT: Limtoys: LIM012 1/6 Scale NATHAN -UNEXPLORED 4 43129610
Unexplored4 - NEW PRODUCT: Limtoys: LIM012 1/6 Scale NATHAN -UNEXPLORED 4 43127110

#newproduct #LIMToys #Nathan #Unexplored4 #male #videogame-based


Founding Father
Like all of LIM's figures, this is pretty awesome. I've never played the game (haven't played VG in well over a decade), but I had to PO this guy just because it looks cool. And it comes with some pretty neat accessories.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

Unexplored4 - NEW PRODUCT: Limtoys: LIM012 1/6 Scale NATHAN -UNEXPLORED 4 C8485110


Oh man, I was afraid this figure would be based on the movie, but thankfully it's based on this game I really dig. I missed all the previous figures, but surely won't miss this one. It's fully packed with so many goodies, that would be a shame passing this one.

It's hard to find a more suitable figure to pair with my Lara Croft figure than Nathan Drake himself. Honestly, I don't know why in hell haven't they thought about a crossover game with both characters.


Damn, I like him a lot. 😍

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


Founding Father
Looks great. I have never played the game either, but like him as a more civilian-ish average-Joe action hero type, so over the years I've picked up an earlier rendition and an extra head. Probably would find it hard to justify getting this, but it is tempting. I do think this rendition is more accurate to the look in the game.

I'll be back!


Looks really good!



I also don't know the source material and don't care, because I like him being a more or less generic action hero in modern relatable clothes... I don't remember ever seeing a better male figure to use as a drawing reference. I might just have to PO this guy...


It seems like a figure that would have a lot of use as a base for customising. The fact that it has two headsculpts to customise is also a plus. Very tempting, but sadly verrrry far back on 'the backburner' for me unless and until I could afford it.

ETA: Once again, I am curious if the torso is rubber or if it is hard plastic....

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


skywalkersaga wrote:It seems like a figure that would have a lot of use as a base for customising. The fact that it has two headsculpts to customise is also a plus. Very tempting, but sadly verrrry far back on 'the backburner' for me unless and until I could afford it.

ETA: Once again, I am curious if the torso is rubber or if it is hard plastic....

If it's like their previous outlaw figure, it's a newly sculpted body which is hard plastic but not rubber.



Excellent looking figure.
I am someone who played and completed all 4 games + the mini release (which i forget the name of right now)
Uncharted 2 and Uncharted 4 being the best of the bunch.

For some reason i have no interest in wanting to own a 1/6th figure of Drake

(spoiler alert) At the end of Uncharted 4 Drake's days as an explorer are over, and the player gets to take control of his daughter, and wander around a small house on a beach. In true Naughty Dog style, the high level visuals look as good as they did throughout the entire game. I forget the name of Drake's daughter, but she shows an interest in her father's exploring past. It left the door open for the possibility of a future Uncharted game happening, possibly fronted by Drake's daughter. If that ever happened, some would no doubt compare the game to the Tomb Raider series. The thing with Uncharted is, is it is Tomb Raider done so much better. I for one would like to see another Uncharted adventure. I prefer the Uncharted games way more than Naught Dog's other big game, The Last of Us, which i failed to get on with.


ukshaun wrote:Excellent looking figure.
I am someone who played and completed all 4 games + the mini release (which i forget the name of right now)
Uncharted 2 and Uncharted 4 being the best of the bunch.

For some reason i have no interest in wanting to own a 1/6th figure of Drake

(spoiler alert) At the end of Uncharted 4 Drake's days as an explorer are over, and the player gets to take control of his daughter, and wander around a small house on a beach. In true Naughty Dog style, the high level visuals look as good as they did throughout the entire game. I forget the name of Drake's daughter, but she shows an interest in her father's exploring past. It left the door open for the possibility of a future Uncharted game happening, possibly fronted by Drake's daughter. If that ever happened, some would no doubt compare the game to the Tomb Raider series. The thing with Uncharted is, is it is Tomb Raider done so much better. I for one would like to see another Uncharted adventure. I prefer the Uncharted games way more than Naught Dog's other big game, The Last of Us, which i failed to get on with.

Same here, I loved the uncharted games so much I played them all twice or more, (the 4th being my favorite), but trying again the last of us, I fail to enjoy it, I find it slow, not that thrilling...

The figure looks very promising, I might grab one! LIM seems to confirm the nice releases they promise, their "gunslinger" was a extremely well done, with a ton of accessories (tho the body proportions were a bit surprising with ultra long legs)


The images do not show a wrist seam, yet the parts list indicates multiple hand options.

Have the wrist seams been airbrushed out in the promo images? Or do the hands and forearms disconnect at a higher point on the arm so the seam is hidden by the shirt sleeves?


Founding Father
No. What LIM is doing, but isn’t shown accurately is giving us the option of using either the seamless wrist arm attachments or arm attachments that can use the separate hands.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

Unexplored4 - NEW PRODUCT: Limtoys: LIM012 1/6 Scale NATHAN -UNEXPLORED 4 C8485110


davidd wrote:The images do not show a wrist seam, yet the parts list indicates multiple hand options.

Have the wrist seams been airbrushed out in the promo images? Or do the hands and forearms disconnect at a higher point on the arm so the seam is hidden by the shirt sleeves?

You have 3 options for the right arm, two seamless wrists with different hand poses and one... "seamed" arm that you can switch hands. It's a neat gimmick in a way but it means more stuff to store.
The left arm though is only seamed because it has a watch to sort of cover it.


Founding Father
Convenient that those sleeves reach to just under the elbow. Smile

I'll be back!


GubernatorFan wrote:Convenient that those sleeves reach to just under the elbow. Smile


While his left wrist seam is cover by a watch, his right wrist seam looks invisible.

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