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Phicen/TB League Posing Compilation (Messing with Seamless Family!)

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GubernatorFan wrote:Nicely done, although it seems like a somewhat skimpy outfit for a musician of that kind. But I'm sure you already knew that Smile And he looks so short next to that glamazon. Smile

Her hot pants is still on the way to delivery, let her be the Sexy Viola today... Laughing ....yeah Phicen S17B with high heels, almost killed plastic bodies with their height......only M32,M34 and 35 or extension leg bodies could barely stand on same height with these girls... Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing


Here comes the Bad boy style from Dam 78058..... Laughing Laughing

I tried so many clothes for this dude, his face really challenge my taste, he looks coquettish and contempt at a same time....well I had no choice but make him a bad boy style with this crazy red shirt...just see what happened to him clown  clown  clown  clown

Phicen/TB League Posing Compilation (Messing with Seamless Family!) - Page 6 Yeo_2057

Phicen/TB League Posing Compilation (Messing with Seamless Family!) - Page 6 Yeo_2059

Phicen/TB League Posing Compilation (Messing with Seamless Family!) - Page 6 Yeo_2058

Headsculpt - DAM 78058
Body - Jiaou normal male body


Get him a random lady....I ....I will introduce the girl next time, as I am not confirm/finalize/define that character yet.....just change a body from KT-004 and a short pants to join this photo shooting Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

Phicen/TB League Posing Compilation (Messing with Seamless Family!) - Page 6 Yeo_2060

The expression.....nice... clown clown

Phicen/TB League Posing Compilation (Messing with Seamless Family!) - Page 6 Yeo_2062

Phicen/TB League Posing Compilation (Messing with Seamless Family!) - Page 6 Yeo_2061


Founding Father
I see the fun continues. I don't know if you will settle on this look for your new characters, but they work.


GubernatorFan wrote:I see the fun continues. I don't know if you will settle on this look for your new characters, but they work.

Thanks!!! I temporary take out KT-004 and change a random face to the body, I will see if this new head is suitable with this body, then I have to settle the KT-004 with a new body....maybe give her a Verycool semi-seamless body instead of TBL.... Arrow

Additional edit: The 78058 I am still waiting some more clothes coming and will try on him Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Laughing


Founding Father
The bad boy style works well for that head sculpt. He looks like he could even wear a stylish suit — perhaps a Russian mobster...


He who dies with the most toys wins!

Phicen/TB League Posing Compilation (Messing with Seamless Family!) - Page 6 C8485110


They look great! Really nice poses as always, I especially like the last photo. Smile

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


Stryker2011 wrote:The bad boy style works well for that head sculpt. He looks like he could even wear a stylish suit — perhaps a Russian mobster...

I am thinking of get him a james bond the back has a scissor tail cutting, which I don't know what name of the type is that suit Laughing Laughing

skywalkersaga wrote:They look great! Really nice poses as always, I especially like the last photo. Smile

Blood on the dance floor... Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing


Meow! Here comes the Noah!

I accidently get this head, while I actually need a Brad Pitt with big beard, similar outlooking with Crowe, but Pitt is with hair...and what I ended up to order this~ the Russell Crowe head in Noah (2014 film)......The most silly thing is I was told by a friend after 2 days I got it....he is not Brad Pitt!!!!.. Daxmn Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

I know Crowe from 1997 films LA Confidential and he is a really tough guy, both in movies and real I get him a M35 body and a formal suit.....well I guess with this looking, I think there is nothing more suitable theme but running a president do you guys think?~ Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing What a Face

But I am not, not really sure if a beard guy can running a president...or I can make him running something else....another president may be.....a truck association president what what  Suspect  Laughing

Phicen/TB League Posing Compilation (Messing with Seamless Family!) - Page 6 Dscf6610

Phicen/TB League Posing Compilation (Messing with Seamless Family!) - Page 6 Dscf6612

Phicen/TB League Posing Compilation (Messing with Seamless Family!) - Page 6 Dscf6611

I love this head with M35, even that Crowe doesn't look so chunky like this, but I don't have a "fat" body for him, so this is the best setting I can give him imo..... What a Face


Founding Father
LOL. I have this sculpt. I might have the bearded Brad Pitt one too. A bearded guy can run for president, but it has been atypical (didn't Al Gore try it in the USA?). If you insist on keeping him on the M35 body, perhaps he can run for president of the WWE organization (or whatever it is called these days). I don't see why this wouldn't work even better on a different body, even a hard-plastic open-jointed one. As it is, between the bulky body and the bulked-up layers of clothing, the head ends up looking a bit too small.

I'll be back!


GubernatorFan wrote:LOL. I have this sculpt. I might have the bearded Brad Pitt one too. A bearded guy can run for president, but it has been atypical (didn't Al Gore try it in the USA?). If you insist on keeping him on the M35 body, perhaps he can run for president of the WWE organization (or whatever it is called these days). I don't see why this wouldn't work even better on a different body, even a hard-plastic open-jointed one. As it is, between the bulky body and the bulked-up layers of clothing, the head ends up looking a bit too small.

I am thinking of M33 for this head, but so far it is still lacks some suitable suit for that weird body (I remember you tried some suit on M33 but those still abit to squeezy, ToyCenter is going to release the suit for M33, so now might be the way for that).....I am order that and wait for the final release....


Early Merry Chrismas wishes for you guys!!! I was long-time working outside and so busy to earn money to buy more, they are figures... Laughing Laughing Laughing

This moment I feel a little bit free time so I did some poses for my lady figure.....

Phicen/TB League Posing Compilation (Messing with Seamless Family!) - Page 6 Dscf2621

Phicen/TB League Posing Compilation (Messing with Seamless Family!) - Page 6 Dscf2620

Phicen/TB League Posing Compilation (Messing with Seamless Family!) - Page 6 Dscf2622

High heels, shirt with swimwear + hot pants...... Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing What a Face What a Face  How do you guys think?~ santa


Founding Father
She's certainly great at striking a pose and you're great at managing to balance her in high heels... impressive.

I'll be back!


Founding Father
Nice Super Model poses. Really good shots. I especially like how you were able to pull off a sense of movement with the jacket and her hair. Well done.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

Phicen/TB League Posing Compilation (Messing with Seamless Family!) - Page 6 C8485110


Stryker2011 wrote:Nice Super Model poses. Really good shots. I especially like how you were able to pull off a sense of movement with the jacket and her hair. Well done.
Yeah, the sense of movement with the jacket and the hair, those are the words I was looking for, thanks.

Did you add pigmentation to the skin? Especially the upper legs have a rather natural looking texture.


GubernatorFan wrote:She's certainly great at striking a pose and you're great at managing to balance her in high heels... impressive.

Thank you!~ It did took me a while to let her standing well.... Laughing

Stryker2011 wrote:Nice Super Model poses. Really good shots. I especially like how you were able to pull off a sense of movement with the jacket and her hair. Well done.

I love your words...Sense of movement:: What a Face What a Face What a Face What a Face Very Happy

Ovy wrote:
Stryker2011 wrote:Nice Super Model poses. Really good shots. I especially like how you were able to pull off a sense of movement with the jacket and her hair. Well done.
Yeah, the sense of movement with the jacket and the hair, those are the words I was looking for, thanks.

Did you add pigmentation to the skin? Especially the upper legs have a rather natural looking texture.

No, I just increased the saturation on the photo...I have no skill to do any practical effects on them Embarassed


I am trying to do a new test......merge them to the real crowd..... Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

I downloaded a photo from Pixabay (StockSnap@Pixabay) and take a photo of Joe Bear (Barry Sloanne@Minitimes Toys), and then merge it into the photo, with adjusting the lighting and some.....some smoke effect....that is what I can try for now Laughing  Laughing  Laughing

Original Photo
Phicen/TB League Posing Compilation (Messing with Seamless Family!) - Page 6 City-211

Phicen/TB League Posing Compilation (Messing with Seamless Family!) - Page 6 Pictur13

Phicen/TB League Posing Compilation (Messing with Seamless Family!) - Page 6 Pictur12

Phicen/TB League Posing Compilation (Messing with Seamless Family!) - Page 6 Bw10

Original (doctor-a@Pixabay)
Phicen/TB League Posing Compilation (Messing with Seamless Family!) - Page 6 Transp10

Phicen/TB League Posing Compilation (Messing with Seamless Family!) - Page 6 Ct08110

I also tried to do with CT-008....both of them......wait...!!! Are they both did the black and white photo second time???? monkey Next time change figure..... Laughing Laughing Laughing

This idea came from recently I re-heard "Stranger in Moscow" by MJ, which I already heard the 300000 times....and I decided to do with his mv mood What a Face No  

Phicen/TB League Posing Compilation (Messing with Seamless Family!) - Page 6 Mv5by211

Side sigh: I do really miss him...already 10 years he left us Embarassed


Founding Father
That is very cool. Nice job.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

Phicen/TB League Posing Compilation (Messing with Seamless Family!) - Page 6 C8485110


Stryker2011 wrote:That is very cool. Nice job.

What a Face Thanks, dear!!


Absolute fantastic Poses as always, so natural. The Backgrounds with the figures are so well made, no one will think it´s a figure between all the real people


Long time no see guys, I am here to unboxing some stuff............

Ta da.....the Bane set from the Batman Dark Knight Rises.

I am not sure if this is available on eBay and Amazon, because this series was released just before the Covid-19 outbreak in China, I hope it will pass and these sets will get selling in Europe market.

Just a little bit review and unboxing video for you guys, so that you guys get the idea if it available for sale.


Phicen/TB League Posing Compilation (Messing with Seamless Family!) - Page 6 Dscf3617

I don't really know the Batman Trilogy until I get this Bane, and even now realized he was portrayed by Tom Hardy, I just can't believe how he looks so big in that movie.....but anyway I still think M35 is the better choice for now... Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

Phicen/TB League Posing Compilation (Messing with Seamless Family!) - Page 6 Bane_f10

The wrists and the boots are hard, it just got limited articulations after wearing those things, I hope I could find some good footwear for him, otherwise, this set is really well designed and close to the movie..

Phicen/TB League Posing Compilation (Messing with Seamless Family!) - Page 6 Dscf3618


Founding Father
He looks great, too bad about the minor limitations due to the design choices, but I suppose such things are to be expected. Thanks for what is essentially a mini review. Perhaps it should be separated into its own thread as such.

I'll be back!


GubernatorFan wrote:He looks great, too bad about the minor limitations due to the design choices, but I suppose such things are to be expected. Thanks for what is essentially a mini review. Perhaps it should be separated into its own thread as such.

Great!!! I will make a new one


Thank you for linking back to this topic! There is a lot of useful information here on the subtle adjustments that can make the difference between a figure looking like a "posed doll" or much more realistic.

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