skywalkersaga wrote:Ah wow, he looks fierce and so at home in your world! Really wonderful job making him into one of your forest children. :'')
Beautiful scenery and photos as well.
And ha! You make your 1/6 patterns out of paper towels/kitchen roll too?? Thought it was just me...
Thanks! Glad you like the fierceness he emits!
And of course, I often use the clean spaces of used kitchen rolls to single handedly save the world from climate change by making clothing patterns for figures importet from China.
Stryker2011 wrote:Really nice stuff. The Wolf Boy looks like a dangerous little bugger. Great outfits, too. Like the carving pics. Your encounter with the leaches and ticks doesn’t sound fun, but at least you got a cool find out of it.
Thanks a lot! Yes, he skips kindergarten and school education straight to survivalist. Glad you noticed the carving pics.
And no tick or leach got my blood this day, somehow my eyes are trained to identify them very quickly to get rid of them. Wondering who threw that knife into the stream though, haha. Guy from my village found an undetonated RPG missile in the lake connected to the stream some months ago. Seems someone likes to shoot water?
ReverendSpooky wrote:Ok, I have to admit, I usually find this whole line of kid headsculpts a bit creepy and off putting. Like, they're going for cute, but end up somewhere else entirely. But for some reason, this one totally works here. He comes across as a bit feral, with a ton of personality, and it's oddly perfect. Your leatherwork as always is top notch, and the photos are great. That is a beautiful place to shoot as well, and all of these look awesome.
Thanks a lot dear Reverend! Yes, it's complicated with 1/6 kids. Some creepy stuff indeed (bankrobber clown joker kid...), and often with expensive accessories I don't need, this 'Wolf Boy' figure from Add toys on the other hand was more basic. This head is very special and it took a while until I decided to get it, but now I really like that personality you mention.
GubernatorFan wrote:Great new work. Some of your instruments look like ... instruments of torture, but you use them to make such gems. I like how this character is coming along... although I do wish they had either chosen a slightly less specific expression or provided alternative head sculpt choices. But here it might work as a reaction to his environment. Speaking of environment, do take good care with those ticks and other unsavory wildlife denizens. The last thing you need is some nasty real world disease getting you down. And we can't be expected to forego another post-apocalyptic masterpiece.
Instruments of torture? You spend too much time in evil empires!
what looks like a torture device to you, that roll blade?
And thanks a lot, yes more kid sculpts would be great but it's very niche. He might change through facepaint, see below for sketches.
Theboo-bomb wrote:That's an adorably deadly little hunter. I bet that little spider had an interesting time too. Keep safe from those ticks, dunno how since the things that I have more experience with are tarantulas and "alacranes" which are like a very angry millipede that stings quite badly.
Thanks a lot! The most dangerous what can happen up here are the diseases the tiny ticks can spread. No tarantulas here.
Some pics.
I forgot to bring his tiny hatchet along.
Next to 'Keanus' hatchet.
I printed his head on paper for quick face paint sketches. Not decided yet, something with three stripes/fingerprinting/galaxylike?
Not sure with the colours either, maybe a reddish brown, dark purple or red.