There was a time when I collected all manner of smaller action figures from numerous licenses, Star Wars, Star Trek, Indiana Jones, Hellboy, Ghostbusters, TMNT, etc etc. Not only that, I had a massive collection of Britains and Timpo 1/32 wild west, soldier, farm and wild animals, and then there were the hundreds upon hundreds of war games figures etc etc.
In the year 2000 I discovered Dragon's 1/6 military range and couldn't believe how far this scale had come since the vintage GI Joe/Action Man figures I played with as a child - and which I'd regarded as the best of toys!
I gradually began to focus more and more on 1/6 and was really hooked when I discovered Hot Toys, which would've been the DX01 Joker in 2010.
When I realised 1/6 was my scale of choice I sold off most of the other toys, keeping only certain lines.
Seems like it was overnight that I suddenly didn't have the enthusiasm to paint war gaming figures any more, or build any more dioramas. Yet I couldn't bear to break them up. The shelf below Asterix's village has the Wolfenstein inspired village, mad scientist lab, abutting a walled cemetery which lies alongside a 'walled city' which doubled as Doctor Doom's castle and a creepy place for the Scooby-Doo gang.
Very few figures got fully painted, some just had their first coats, and eventually the layouts became storage space for figures - on the biggest single layout I merely used every available space to stand figures rather than having to wrap them up and store them elsewhere.
One day I'll be inspired enough to at least sort vacuum off the cobwebs and straighten everything and everyone out!
I opted for the French spelling when I did Unhygienix's sign
A Britains cow sacrificed its head for the front of Vitalstatistix's house:
I was too impatient to wait for the camera to charge fully, so snapped quickly - Fulliautomatix's smithy came out blurred:
The walled cemetery, made to suit 1930s Pulp/Wolfenstein, Hellboy or Scooby-Doo:
The village and the subterranean laboratory:
Dr. Doom's castle (with Cthulhu!):
Under this shelf there's an approximation of the interior of the Hadley's Hope colony from
Aliens in 28mm scale.
The biggest layout, which ended up as figure storage: