I'm thrilled that you all liked it. Perhaps I should have mentioned (I have done so elsewhere) that for some reason HT's Chris Pratt heads of this type (their most recent two) have some weird metal screws thing going on, in addition to the extra wide neck opening, so this is more or less the most difficult head I could have picked for illustration purposes. But there was already call for more Andy, and I do enjoy a bit of a challenge...
On to your individual comments --
BAMComix wrote:That was really clever, informative and funny too
. I have never seen this method done before. I have a Tony Stark head that looks odd when fitted, I might give this a try (When I get him a new body anyway!)
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it and found it informative -- which was, after all, my twin purpose in making it in the first place. I think that, generally speaking, you will find this approach works pretty well with these types of bodies/neck area covers.
Lynkhart wrote:That’s hilarious, I love the bit about it being a ‘simple outpatient procedure’ while he’s being wrangled in the background!
Thank you very much. Yep, the irony was intentional, but also Andy thinking it will hurt and fighting it in the first place, when it was in fact painless and simple. Though I suppose that would not explain the saw. Maybe Mistress Gina and her "associates" just like to mess with people's heads. See what I did there? Sincerely, Captain Obvious.
Stryker2011 wrote:Hilarious and informative. The photos and posing sure nicely done — I like the pics Christine mentioned, but I also like the one where Gina leans in a bit to see the gap from head to neck, subtle but effective.
Thank you, I'm very glad you liked it. I tried to make her professional and interested, which belies her supposed profession. Actually, if I had enough medical gear handy, I probably would have gone that way. But I was working off of the setup for the previous tutorial anyway.
TravelGuide wrote:That was fun. Unless you're Andy, I guess.
Thanks -- but didn't he come out none the worse for wear? In fact better?
Tjolnir wrote:oh... great and interesting technique. does the neck part react over time, like stress marks or tearing? so far i have no experience with silicone bodies over time for i always store mine in the most neutral position with no ankle bend.
Thank you, I'm glad I could help. No, this is not enough of a stretch to bother the body. I end up doing this to pretty much every TBLeague body I own, and I don't usually remove them unless there is the rare head that would look better without the stuffing in the neck. So far no problems, knock on wood.
skywalkersaga wrote:Haha, brilliantly executed! I've never seen anyone make tutorials as fun as yours. The whole thing was hilarious but I really lost it when Andy's head was talking while looking at his body. Gotta love absurd humour. Thanks for the visual tips, as well. ;D
Thank you very much, I'm glad you enjoyed it. To be honest, I was divided between Andy's detached head talking or not talking. Part of it was biological sense (although there is no pretense that these are not figures -- no blood!), but part of it was I don't like to obscure the figures in the photographs with speech bubbles and there wasn't enough space for everything I would have had Andy's head say (for example, where he looks at his neck and seems surprised, he was actually supposed to be disappointed and in the next frame ask whether he has gained weight -- again -- after having gone through so much trouble to slim down). I hope the visual tips are useful.
AlKelAstra91 wrote:Hahahaha!!! That was simultaneously educational and humorous, you nailed the dialogue with the body language. And I love the twin coverall getups of the 'surgeons.' Now if only there were a tutorial like this for replacing the metal neck peg once it has been popped out and lost forever.
Thank you very much, I'm glad you found it educational and funny. The "surgeons" and Mistress Gina are the legacy of the previous tutorial (
https://onesixthfigures.forumotion.com/t3686-painting-tbleague-phicen-nipples-tutorial ) and an installment in the Clothing TBLeague seamless bodies thread (which did not necessarily have the same premise about their relationship). Hmm, I will think about it, but nothing specific pops to mind. Sorry, it was not meant to be a pun, but with my lame sense of humor, these come to me naturally...
As annoying as it is, could you not use a headless body in your plots? Besides, it should be easy enough to have a makeshift solution for heads do you want to use with that body, albeit carefully.