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Escape from Tarkov series

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1Escape from Tarkov series Empty Escape from Tarkov series Fri Jan 14, 2022 1:24 pm


Escape from Tarkov series Eft_lo10

Escape from Tarkov is a multiplayer first-person shooter video game in development by Battlestate Games for Windows. The game is set in the fictional Norvinsk region, where a war is taking place between two private military companies (United Security "USEC" and the Battle Encounter Assault Regiment "BEAR"). Players join matches called "raids" in which they fight other players for loot and aim to survive and escape; dying results in the loss of all items the player used and found during that raid with few exceptions.

Escape from Tarkov is set in the fictional city of Tarkov, the capital of the Norvinsk Special Economic Zone in Northwestern Russia between the years 2015 and 2026. Political scandals and collapse of corporations have resulted in the social breakdown of Tarkov and warring factions have turned the city into a shell of itself with sections of the city being under control of aggressive locals called "scavs".

There are two PMC factions for players to choose in the game: United Security (USEC), a Western-based company hired by a corporation known as TerraGroup to cover up the company's illegal activities, and BEAR, a company created by the Russian government to investigate these activities. Each faction has its own gameplay advantages as well as unique cosmetics. For example, USEC-based players are specialized in Western or NATO-based firearms, while BEAR-players specialize in Russian firearms.

The primary opposing, playable NPC faction is the Scavs, which are aggressive locals of Tarkov that are hostile to both BEAR and USEC. There are Normal Scavs (scavengers), Cultists, Scav Raiders, Rogues, and Scav Bosses. Normal Scavs have low tier gear and weapons, and are the primary AI opponent and playable on a cooldown timer. Cultists, Scav Raiders, and Bosses have better equipment than Normal Scavs, each having a different artificial intelligence behavior and each specializing in a specific location in Tarkov. The Rogues are a group of ex-USEC PMC operatives who have decided to band together to control the water treatment plant on the Lighthouse map. Scav Raiders are a group of ex USECs and BEARs who banded together, they spawn on the maps Reserve and Labs when extractions are switched on. They can have high tier gear and modded weapons. Cultists only spawn at night time on the maps Woods and Shoreline, and can have good gear and weapons and can also spawn high-tier keys in their pockets.

The Great Shaggy's insights
As a former DayZ player, I made the jump over to EFT relatively late into the closed alpha version of the game at the start of the Pandemic. Since then, I've played it on and off for nearly the past two years. I love the hardcore, hyper-realistic concept that the creators were aiming for, yet the never-ending tension when in a Raid knowing one false step or mistake could cost you dearly was nerve wrecking and a great example of futility and frustration. No matter how much you learn or got better in the game, someone and something was always there to knock you down a few pegs and bruise your ego. Henceforth the 'on-and-off' comment where the game literally drove me away from months at a time only to be suck back in after the next wipe or update.

I was shocked last year when I saw that VeryCool was going to release the Scav Raider Boss 'Killa' so that in turn cause me to dive into the parts bin and see what I could come up with. Those that know me know that when I plan to do one figure, I end up doing multiple from any given game series. So, this is a continuation threat to showcase my builds from the game. I also tend to add a bit of back story to each and create some of my own takes to the lore that Battlegames hasn't addressed yet.

First post will come up in the reply.


2Escape from Tarkov series Empty United Security Contractor Fri Jan 14, 2022 2:04 pm


Escape from Tarkov series D8a2be10

United Security (USEC), is an offshore-established private military company (PMC) and one of the main factions in Escape from Tarkov. USEC is employed by Terra Group Labs as a security subcontractor. The primary objective for USEC was to destroy any evidence of any potentially illegitimate activity by its employer and protect its property from being captured by BEAR, the PMC hired by the Russian government to investigate the Terra Group's operations.

To find out more about the history of USEC and its founding, you can watch the YT video here:

Many of the USEC contractors were combat veterans of various western NATO Nations from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but primarily from the United States and the United Kingdom respectively. When Tarkov was sealed off, TerraGroup and USEC basically left the remaining five hundred to a thousand operators to 'fend for themselves'. Some groups continue to work in protecting the interests of their employer and client while other groups banded together to survive. Others faded away into the chaos to either become scav raiders or attempt to find a way around the containment perimeter either by themselves or linking up with follow USEC and BEAR PMCs.

Mark Stepien, former US Army Infantry and part of Spartan Unit, Waifu Squad

Former veteran of the US Army with multiple deployments to both Iraq and Afghanistan, Mark Stepien struggled to adopt to civilian life once he left the service. Jumping from job to job and struggling to support his family, he was directed to United Security by an old Army buddy. The pay was outstanding, and the contracts lasted only a month to two, so figuring it was a good job that needed experienced Trigger Pullers he inquired about an opening and was hired within the week. His first few jobs were maritime, protecting container ships from pirates that were operating in the Indian Ocean and then dignitary escort in some African Nations. After about three years, he'd worked himself to a member in the highly covet Spartan Unit that took on the high paying, high priority jobs.

Sent to Tarkov by USEC on behest of TerraGroup, it was brief that it would be a simple 'clean-up and cleanse' job. Instead, it turned out to be a full out conflict between them and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Months of grueling urban combat instill until the threat of a possible NATO intervention cause the Russian Forces to pull out of the city to the outskirts and seal off the city allowing only their aligned PMCs to enter. Now trapped in the city and disavowed by his employers, Mark has to decide if he stay put and hope for a diplomatic solution to allow him to go home to his family or take the serious, and often fatal, risk of trying to escape the city.  

Escape from Tarkov series 20220111
Escape from Tarkov series 20220110
Escape from Tarkov series 20220113
Escape from Tarkov series 20220114
Escape from Tarkov series 20220112

I pretty much have been trying to stay true to the game with this build by incorporating everything from within game into this figure. I'm still working on the custom patches for his PCU Level 5 Jacket as well as the USEC Logo for his ballcap.

Escape from Tarkov series 20220115
Escape from Tarkov series 20220116
Escape from Tarkov series 20220117

So if anyone is wondering this is what my USEC Faction Operator looks like: Ballcap, PCU Level 5 Jacket, Cyre Precision G3 Combat Pants in M81 Woodland Camo, Saloman Quest 3 GTX Boots, Eagle Industries CIRAS in Ranger Green, Wartech Berkut BB-102 backpack in Moses Camo, Safariland 6004 holster w/ Kimber Warrior M1911, Oakley Assault Gloves, and a custom M4 SOPMOD II carbine.

Escape from Tarkov series 20220120
Escape from Tarkov series 20220119
Escape from Tarkov series 20220118

3Escape from Tarkov series Empty Re: Escape from Tarkov series Fri Jan 14, 2022 2:11 pm


Founding Father
Nice first figure, thegreatshaggy. The head sculpt looks familiar. So USEC purports to be Roman (SPQR)? Smile Sounds like a cool game, and I'm glad you will be able to part-collect, part-create a bunch of characters from it.

I'll be back!

4Escape from Tarkov series Empty Re: Escape from Tarkov series Fri Jan 14, 2022 3:00 pm


If someone told a 20 year old me that one day i'd actually enjoy a "camping simulator" i'd have called for a straight jacket right away. and while i still enjoy the odd quake live match once and again, tarkov introduced me to a new form of intense gameplay(and gear fear Smile )

i've recently picked up my account again, after being tilt for almost a year and have yet to come to terms with inertia, further slowing down the games pace. then again my buddy and me are having quite a good time trash talking and gear fearing through the maps, and while i whoop his rear in quake, in tarkov i'm the rat Wink but a surviving rat at that....

keep the figures coming, it'll be fun to see them in 1/6 scale, maybe the odd "cursed gun" with 3 scopes and 15 laser pointers even? Wink

5Escape from Tarkov series Empty Re: Escape from Tarkov series Sat Jan 15, 2022 3:11 am


Excellent figure!

6Escape from Tarkov series Empty Re: Escape from Tarkov series Sat Jan 15, 2022 9:27 am


Founding Father
Interesting sounding game; cool figure and load out. I’ve worked with a few PMCs in the past — some seriously intense (but a little scary) dudes; they have a pretty gray moral compass that makes them perfect for jobs that require a lot of… shall we say… ambiguous… kills. More and more countries are using them instead of “regular” military as it allows them to “get away” with some questionable activities that the Geneva Convention has a hard time prosecuting for (or holding governments accountable for), though individuals have been tried (and more often than not executed).


He who dies with the most toys wins!

Escape from Tarkov series C8485110

7Escape from Tarkov series Empty Re: Escape from Tarkov series Sat Jan 15, 2022 3:32 pm


Great looking dude, he looks deadly. Never played the game as it's not my type but from watching others play I think you nailed the look.

I do this for fun, otherwise it would be my job. alien

All of my alt-history themed figures in one convenient link! BooBomb's alt history figures! Escape from Tarkov series 1f60e

8Escape from Tarkov series Empty Re: Escape from Tarkov series Mon Jan 17, 2022 7:35 am


GubernatorFan wrote:Nice first figure, thegreatshaggy. The head sculpt looks familiar. So USEC purports to be Roman (SPQR)? Smile Sounds like a cool game, and I'm glad you will be able to part-collect, part-create a bunch of characters from it.

LOL 😆 🤣 😂

I just took it off a the game's wiki. After you brought that up I looked around and found it to be a fan edit that was showcase over on Reddit. It never dawn on me until you pointed it out.

Tjolnir wrote:If someone told a 20 year old me that one day i'd actually enjoy a "camping simulator" i'd have called for a straight jacket right away. and while i still enjoy the odd quake live match once and again, tarkov introduced me to a new form of intense gameplay(and gear fear Smile )

i've recently picked up my account again, after being tilt for almost a year and have yet to come to terms with inertia, further slowing down the games pace. then again my buddy and me are having quite a good time trash talking and gear fearing through the maps, and while i whoop his rear in quake, in tarkov i'm the rat Wink but a surviving rat at that....

keep the figures coming, it'll be fun to see them in 1/6 scale, maybe the odd "cursed gun" with 3 scopes and 15 laser pointers even? Wink

Ah the life of a rat. To be honest, the gear fear got to me early and I too became a rat for some time. Then after getting killed for the umpteenth time as one I finally said screw it and became a chad. Haven't looked back since.

But that would be funny to make one of those "cursed guns" that weighs more than a Ma Duece 🤣

BAMComix wrote:Excellent figure!

Thank you. Just a WIP, still tunning him here.

Stryker2011 wrote:Interesting sounding game; cool figure and load out. I’ve worked with a few PMCs in the past — some seriously intense (but a little scary) dudes; they have a pretty gray moral compass that makes them perfect for jobs that require a lot of… shall we say… ambiguous… kills. More and more countries are using them instead of “regular” military as it allows them to “get away” with some questionable activities that the Geneva Convention has a hard time prosecuting for (or holding governments accountable for), though individuals have been tried (and more often than not executed).

I worked with a former PMC that was former Army Ranger (inspiration for this figure 🤔). He would tell some stories about the few years he was one and the same thing was some of the guys were just down right scary or crazy. One guy would just pick a fight just to get into one. And I've seen a lot of different PMCs during my time in Iraq. Global Security and Blackwater were the most memorable for the bunch.

Theboo-bomb wrote:Great looking dude, he looks deadly. Never played the game as it's not my type but from watching others play I think you nailed the look.

Thanks. Lucky I haven't ended up in any of those YouTube videos yet.

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