Goddesswave wrote:Has anyone compared in hand these PL2022-201 bodies (released Nov. 4, 2022?) with the S50B/S51B bodies (released Jan. 25, 2023?)? Comparing them in photos, they appear to be virtually the same.
Endlessdreamer wrote:Can anyone advise if the body type of this figure can suit YMToy heads? (I understand they are on the smaller side and look better on slim frames)
This body type is either the pale variant of S37A or the newer S50A.
The only difference I found between those body types is that the S50A is slightly (~1cm) taller
Anyone know for sure what body type this figure has?
I'm not sure any of us have figured out exactly what this body is for certain, to confirm or deny this conclusion. In principle, the smaller heads should work for the various petite bodies, perhaps especially S24/S25 (+ letter of your choice: S24A=pale, S24B="dark brown" (which is lighter than the other option), S25B=suntan, S25C="dark skinned".
You can probably find some useful information in these threads: