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[01/02/20] The Mediterrans - Phase 2, The Big Chief - shark teeth

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Big Chief Brando looks great!, tho I wouldn't want to see him walking towards me. 😂


I keep meaning to ask — what kind of glue(s) are you using on the hair?


Fantastic Job at that Character. You masterd the Hair Job in a real short time


GubernatorFan wrote:LOL I'm loving it. Yes, the pants are a good idea... unless you're Alexander the Great. Smile And the hair is working out beautifully. He can be wet. Or sweaty. Or maybe both. Either option seems to work...
Thanks! And he may be great, but not Alexander. Very Happy

Stryker2011 wrote:Nice options on the outfit and hair. I agree, wet, or dry, looks good.
Thank you. I think it will be something between wet and dry.

Theboo-bomb wrote:Big Chief Brando looks great!, tho I wouldn't want to see him walking towards me. 😂
Thank you, and yes he's supposed to be menacing in his own charming way.

skywalkersaga wrote:I keep meaning to ask — what kind of glue(s) are you using on the hair?
I use that FabriTac glue because it was recommended somewhere. But it's a bit nasty. Normal crafting glue seems to work too. It can be easily removed when it comes in contact with the headsculpt in an area you don't want to be covered. This happens to me sometimes. I will never use superglue for rooting, that's something for the more brave like Shovelchop.

Ephiane wrote:Fantastic Job at that Character. You masterd the Hair Job in a real short time
Thanks, still a lot to learn but yes it gets easier every time.

I just messed around with faceapp, as I am thinking of rooting a beard. Free faceapp has only one standard beard:
Chief - [01/02/20] The Mediterrans - Phase 2, The Big Chief - shark teeth - Page 2 Face-App-1576024577309

But the age-filter adds another beard (cool old):
Chief - [01/02/20] The Mediterrans - Phase 2, The Big Chief - shark teeth - Page 2 Face-App-1576025917947

Old Bud Spencer?
Chief - [01/02/20] The Mediterrans - Phase 2, The Big Chief - shark teeth - Page 2 Face-App-1576025771459

This one looks ready to appease some tyrants. Or try, at least.
Chief - [01/02/20] The Mediterrans - Phase 2, The Big Chief - shark teeth - Page 2 Face-App-1576025758427

Young Marlon:
Chief - [01/02/20] The Mediterrans - Phase 2, The Big Chief - shark teeth - Page 2 Face-App-1576025795976-2

Chief - [01/02/20] The Mediterrans - Phase 2, The Big Chief - shark teeth - Page 2 Face-App-1576025846506

Maybe he will get this kind of beard...but less old then. Black with grey streaks maybe.
Chief - [01/02/20] The Mediterrans - Phase 2, The Big Chief - shark teeth - Page 2 Face-App-1576025831318


Founding Father
Very interesting effects. Looking forward to seeing how this works out.

I'll be back!


What a neat way to try out different styles!

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


GubernatorFan wrote:Very interesting effects. Looking forward to seeing how this works out.
Thanks. Nothing done yet, but the year just started.

skywalkersaga wrote:What a neat way to try out different styles!
Ye, I think the idea behind that app was to try different 'styles' for oneself. So why not figures.

I got a big donation of shells for Christmas, but first the present I gifted to myself: Shark teeth. They are rather inexpensive on eBay and Amazon. Didn't know what to expect, every time I bought a pack of shells there came ideas I had never thought of before because of those interesting, unpredictable forms.

Lump of fossiled shark teeth.
Chief - [01/02/20] The Mediterrans - Phase 2, The Big Chief - shark teeth - Page 2 PSX-20200102-213210

Of course I had to sort them by size and form......
Chief - [01/02/20] The Mediterrans - Phase 2, The Big Chief - shark teeth - Page 2 PSX-20200102-213105

Initial idea was to make necklace pendants with those smaller shark teeth. And maybe a crown for Marlo from the bigger ones. Many many possibilities.
Chief - [01/02/20] The Mediterrans - Phase 2, The Big Chief - shark teeth - Page 2 PSX-20200102-213311

Special/unique parts in the upper rows.
Chief - [01/02/20] The Mediterrans - Phase 2, The Big Chief - shark teeth - Page 2 PSX-20200102-213340

I wanted some kind of Warhammer for our chief, after some experimenting I decided for those two parts to make...something heavy. Maybe I will double the shafts length.
Chief - [01/02/20] The Mediterrans - Phase 2, The Big Chief - shark teeth - Page 2 PSX-20200102-213420

It's WIP, as everything.
Chief - [01/02/20] The Mediterrans - Phase 2, The Big Chief - shark teeth - Page 2 PSX-20200102-213515


Wow, awesome!!! Those will make some incredible accessories  -- some weapons, I am guessing?

ETA: Whoops, you already mentioned some of the possibilities, I see. Very Happy

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


Founding Father
Really nice haul of shark teeth. Those will make some interesting additions.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

Chief - [01/02/20] The Mediterrans - Phase 2, The Big Chief - shark teeth - Page 2 C8485110


Founding Father
Very cool to see them organized and laid out like that. I guess it's part of your process. And judging by what you end up doing with these things, it must be worthwhile.

I'll be back!


Those are going to make some killer accessories. Well done.

One passage of caution, though: Fossilized sharks' teeth are generally black due to the teeth absorbing minerals from their surroundings over millennia.


Your imagination knows no bounds. I would hate to come face to face with the beast that has such teeth both in real life and in your setting.

I do this for fun, otherwise it would be my job. alien

All of my alt-history themed figures in one convenient link! BooBomb's alt history figures! Chief - [01/02/20] The Mediterrans - Phase 2, The Big Chief - shark teeth - Page 2 1f60e


Another stunning creation! the added hair is a great touch too!

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