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Neck Adapters

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1Neck Adapters Empty Neck Adapters Tue Jan 18, 2022 2:13 am

Faster Than Life

Faster Than Life
Has anyone ever done a catalogue of what body types and head types are meant to go with what neck adapters?

If not, do you think you lads and ladies could give IDing what body and head types these are meant to make compatible with each other a shot?

Neck Adapters S-l400

Gotta say I think the lack of this kind of information on actual product descriptions is kinda weird. But what do I expect when I'm dealing with the likes of eBay?

2Neck Adapters Empty Re: Neck Adapters Tue Jan 18, 2022 12:13 pm


Founding Father
The three narrow cylinders (2nd row from the front of your picture - left to right) are for just about any female figure, including TBL.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

Neck Adapters C8485110

3Neck Adapters Empty Re: Neck Adapters Tue Jan 18, 2022 12:31 pm


Founding Father
For some reason, those eBay photos never display for me when linked here, so here is a downloaded and re-uploaded version of the image, in case others have the same experience.

Neck Adapters Neckad10

The smaller cylindrical adapters are the usual ones that fit inside female heads (first 3 from left to right in the second row from the bottom). The other cylindrical adapters are the usual ones that fit inside male heads sculpted without integral necks. There is a rubber ring that fits at the bottom of a (usually) male head sculpted with an integral neck on the bottom left. Not sure about the remaining items in that bottom row. The non-cylindrical items in the top two rows are connectors for (usually) male heads sculpted with integral necks, that attach to the pegs in the torso of neck-less bodies.

Generally speaking, if you are dealing with heads that do not come with integral necks as part of the sculpt (most female heads, many but not all male heads), if you can remove the inside neck connector (adapter), you would make your life a lot easier. Foamies make swapping between bodies a lot faster and safer (unless you insist on holding and dangling your figures by the head). If you really want to use a neck connector (adapter), try to go for one made of very soft plastic/rubber, which would make attaching and detaching easier. There is a lot less in the way of options when it comes to heads with integral necks -- one more reason to de-neck them on principle, in my book.

Here are some tutorials that might shed more light on some of these (or related) issues and solutions for them --

I'll be back!

4Neck Adapters Empty Re: Neck Adapters Thu Feb 03, 2022 3:58 pm


Wow! That's exactly the post I was hoping to find.
Hello everybody! I am new here.
I am a 3d sculptor and I am dealing with the shape that would be better to give to the inner part of the neck.
Also, as we will produce some custom heads soon, I would like to ask you an advise on if you, as customers, would expect to find or not adapters in the box with the head sculpts.
Any info would be highly appreciated as we would like to deliver perfect products.

Thank you so much for your replies

5Neck Adapters Empty Re: Neck Adapters Thu Feb 03, 2022 5:08 pm


Founding Father
Welcome Lu! I'm sure we are all interested to see what you come up with. The Anakin in your avatar photo and the Superman in the Instagram post you linked look very good. I would think that having access to a forum where members can express interest in particular existing or potential products might be a very useful thing for you.

If you are starting out, here are some basic things that I, as a collector/customizer, consider:

Material. Something that I'm sure you will be asked: will your products be cast in PVC or resin?

Necks. Regarding head sculpts, generally speaking, and I think many will agree with me, a neck-less head sculpt is more versatile, as it allows us to use it on any action figure body: if the body does not already have a neck, we can always use a separate neck piece -- that way there are two potential articulation points in the neck -- at the shoulders and at the base of the neck. Yes, I realize that especially with certain bald or very short-haired heads it is visually nice to not have a seam line at the base of the head, but for me personally the articulation is not something I want to sacrifice. Most collectors are not keen on modifying necks, and if the casts are resin, even I am likely to desist -- PVC is more modification-friendly.

Adapters. I'm not certain exactly how your design process works, but if you wish your product to lend itself to easy use for as many people as possible, I would make the hole for the neck peg (and/or adapter) as wide and as deep as possible. Here is why: just reaching into my desk drawer, I pulled out over a dozen neck adapters for male heads that I don't actually use (photo below). They are all basically cylindrical, some of them are flat-topped (with or without a hole), others have a short, recessed round-edged cylindrical top (or something more complex along the same lines). They vary in size: 15-16 mm diameter at the base; 14-20 mm in height. They vary in material, from fairly soft to very hard. For ease and safety of use, the softer the better, no question about that. But it is virtually impossible that you would ever be able to accommodate everyone's preference or need with any single solution. I personally yank out the adapters and use foamies, which provide a reasonably firm fit, allow for adjustment, and easy placement or removal. I realize many would prefer using conventional adapters, but then you are stuck with having to choose between different models. I would suggest you make sure the neck hole is capable of accommodating an adapter with a diameter of a little over 16 mm (the largest I measured, but it probably expands a little when a neck peg goes into it), and a height of well over 20 mm (the tallest I measured). I say well over, because it would be useful for your customers to adjust how high the head sits on the neck peg/adapter -- what is needed or looks best would depend on the body they are using, clothing, accessories, etc. So if one can make the head sit higher or lower as needed, that is always a plus.

The thread linked below does not specifically address the issue of neck adapters as a whole, but it does illustrates some of the issues we commonly deal with when trying to make a head work, and what might be helpful in making a head sculpt as versatile (and therefore useful) as possible.

These are the neck connectors I measured:

Neck Adapters Neckad11

This is, of course, my opinion. Others may chime in with more along the same lines, or possibly completely opposite advice. But I hope the discussion will be helpful.

PS I just saw some more of your sculpts on Instagram. Very nice!

I'll be back!

6Neck Adapters Empty Re: Neck Adapters Thu Feb 03, 2022 5:24 pm


Thank you very much! Yes, I intended to make a hole of about 16 mm diameter and more than 2 cm tall.
As for the material used, would you be so kind to explain me which you think is the main difference between the casted resin heads and the 3d printed heads?
I mean, we have 8k 3d printers that would give high detailed heads, I see that some very good artists are making 1/6 props 3d printed (for sales), not casted.

Could anyone give me their advise about this? :-)

PS. here are the head sculpts mentioned. (I am working on the updated superman both serene and angry expression)
Neck Adapters Scherm12
Neck Adapters Scherm13

7Neck Adapters Empty Re: Neck Adapters Thu Feb 03, 2022 5:29 pm


Beautiful work, Lupo sculpts! And welcome! Smile

I'm huge Anakin (and Padme) fan, looks like you have some beautiful sculpts that are up my alley. : )

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.

8Neck Adapters Empty Re: Neck Adapters Thu Feb 03, 2022 5:39 pm


Thank you!! :-)
And you didn't see my Padme(s) yet Very Happy

I love Starwars!!!

9Neck Adapters Empty Re: Neck Adapters Thu Feb 03, 2022 5:53 pm


Founding Father
Thanks, Lu. Not being a sculptor or 3D printer myself, I might not be the best person to elaborate on that, but here is what I know (or think I know) --

There are 3D printers that print in resin, although plastic material (PVC included?) is more common.

Resin supposedly allows a sharper sculpt but is more brittle and harder to modify (if you need to cut off a neck, for example, you need to use a rotary tool like Dremel, and end up with a ton of very fine toxic resin dust that you don't want to inhale. For these reasons, I much prefer PVC (or whatever plastic).

I'm delighted your beautiful heads are not resin.

I'll be back!

10Neck Adapters Empty Re: Neck Adapters Thu Feb 03, 2022 6:03 pm


GubernatorFan wrote:Thanks, Lu. Not being a sculptor or 3D printer myself, I might not be the best person to elaborate on that, but here is what I know (or think I know) --

There are 3D printers that print in resin, although plastic material (PVC included?) is more common.

Resin supposedly allows a sharper sculpt but is more brittle and harder to modify (if you need to cut off a neck, for example, you need to use a rotary tool like Dremel, and end up with a ton of very fine toxic resin dust that you don't want to inhale. For these reasons, I much prefer PVC (or whatever plastic).

I'm delighted your beautiful heads are not resin.

No, I think I didn't make myself clear. I am sorry.

My heads will be in resin. My 3d printer prints resin in 8k. Also most of the heads casted are in resin (polyresin, polystone, etc), some more brittle, some less.
I am looking for the correct resin that can be tough and not brittle.
My question was more about if any of you found any problems in 3d printed heads (painting or any other issues)?


11Neck Adapters Empty Re: Neck Adapters Thu Feb 03, 2022 6:07 pm


Founding Father
Thanks for the clarification. Polystone is notoriously brittle, then again it tends to be used for larger hefty pieces that add mass and weight to gravity. Glad you will be using stronger resin. I using resin explains the fine, sharp lines, which is a plus. But in that case, I strongly urge you to make your sculpts neck-less.

I have had no more issue painting resin heads than others.

I'll be back!

12Neck Adapters Empty Re: Neck Adapters Thu Feb 03, 2022 6:08 pm


I think I saw your Padme on the instagram page you linked? It looks beautiful. : )

As for resin types, you could ask forum member Ovy, he has a resin printer as is an expert now. There is a flexible type of resin he uses for small, thin items, it's really neat.

GF-- regarding the printed resin, it is much different I find to the poured resin. At lest, the heads and items Ovy has printed for me are really amazing. The way the paint adheres to these printed resin heads is especially excellent and well worth it. Don't totally dismiss them. Especially since 3D files can be altered , so you could maybe find someone who can print you neckless heads. ; )

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.

13Neck Adapters Empty Re: Neck Adapters Thu Feb 03, 2022 6:12 pm


GubernatorFan wrote:Thanks for the clarification. Polystone is notoriously brittle, then again it tends to be used for larger hefty pieces that add mass and weight to gravity. Glad you will be using stronger resin. I using resin explains the fine, sharp lines, which is a plus. But in that case, I strongly urge you to make your sculpts neck-less.

I have had no more issue painting resin heads than others.

Yes, I am trying in the next days a new resin! I hope is going to be good :-)

14Neck Adapters Empty Re: Neck Adapters Thu Feb 03, 2022 6:18 pm


skywalkersaga wrote:I think I saw your Padme on the instagram page you linked? It looks beautiful. : )

As for resin types, you could ask forum member Ovy, he has a resin printer as is an expert now. There is a flexible type of resin he uses for small, thin items, it's really neat.

GF-- regarding the printed resin, it is much different I find to the poured resin. At lest, the heads and items Ovy has printed for me are really amazing. The way the paint adheres to these printed resin heads is especially excellent and well worth it. Don't totally dismiss them. Especially since 3D files can be altered , so you could maybe find someone who can print you neckless heads. ; )

I'll print them neckless If that's better with my 3d printer :-)
There is no problem for me in alterate my own 3d files and them print them to test if they are ok.

Thank you for your feedback :-)

15Neck Adapters Empty Re: Neck Adapters Fri Feb 04, 2022 7:53 am


Lupo.sculpts wrote:
skywalkersaga wrote:I think I saw your Padme on the instagram page you linked? It looks beautiful. : )

As for resin types, you could ask forum member Ovy, he has a resin printer as is an expert now. There is a flexible type of resin he uses for small, thin items, it's really neat.

GF-- regarding the printed resin, it is much different I find to the poured resin. At lest, the heads and items Ovy has printed for me are really amazing. The way the paint adheres to these printed resin heads is especially excellent and well worth it. Don't totally dismiss them. Especially since 3D files can be altered , so you could maybe find someone who can print you neckless heads. ; )

I'll print them neckless If that's better with my 3d printer :-)
There is no problem for me in alterate my own 3d files and them print them to test if they are ok.

Thank you for your feedback :-)

Oh, don't comment about the neck issues was directed at GubernatorFan, since he was uncertain about resin printed items. I didn't want him to miss out on potentially nice sculpts just because of the fear of resin. It's great that you are so flexible with the designs, though. Thanks once again for sharing your work with us. : )

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.

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