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NEW PRODUCT: Mr.Z model studio - city series first urban girl Mu & Bing #CG001-A/B

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Ooph, I don't like the change at all. It looks alien-like. Those eyes are just not meant to be that big. -.-
That overall looks cool though!


Diana wrote:Ooph, I don't like the change at all. It looks alien-like. Those eyes are just not meant to be that big. -.-
That overall looks cool though!

Agreed. I was going to order it, but I saw the change, I decided not to.
I really like the overall look.


little informations, these are photos of Mr-z himself, the different outfit will be an outfit offered later, no additional information on the eyes of the face, and the shipments should start this month....


I don't get the Chinese obsession with big eyes. Man I am ticked off that they ruined it! No longer getting this.  NEW PRODUCT: Mr.Z model studio - city series first urban girl Mu & Bing #CG001-A/B - Page 3 1f620

NEW PRODUCT: Mr.Z model studio - city series first urban girl Mu & Bing #CG001-A/B - Page 3 Alien-Head-Graphics-3993763-1-580x386


The first figures have been sent to Chinese players, so we will have more pictures in the coming days.
Then the sendings should continue.

NEW PRODUCT: Mr.Z model studio - city series first urban girl Mu & Bing #CG001-A/B - Page 3 16053110


Photos by MR-Z himself...

NEW PRODUCT: Mr.Z model studio - city series first urban girl Mu & Bing #CG001-A/B - Page 3 6b270b42
NEW PRODUCT: Mr.Z model studio - city series first urban girl Mu & Bing #CG001-A/B - Page 3 6b270b43
NEW PRODUCT: Mr.Z model studio - city series first urban girl Mu & Bing #CG001-A/B - Page 3 6b270b41
NEW PRODUCT: Mr.Z model studio - city series first urban girl Mu & Bing #CG001-A/B - Page 3 6b270b44


Founding Father
Hmm. It still looks like they widened the eyes a bit, but it doesn’t look too bad. I wonder if they did that due to the complaints, or to make the movable eyes work better…?


He who dies with the most toys wins!

NEW PRODUCT: Mr.Z model studio - city series first urban girl Mu & Bing #CG001-A/B - Page 3 1f10


Plenty sitting in stock on Taobao. I may grab the outfit parted out.
NEW PRODUCT: Mr.Z model studio - city series first urban girl Mu & Bing #CG001-A/B - Page 3 O1cn0158

I don't think the head sculpt looks particularly good, but the outfit is cute.



Founding Father
They still look pretty stylish.

I'll be back!


Alright, these look good. ^^
I still prefer the old smaller eyes, but these don't look so bad. And I love that magazine cover mockup! She looks gorgeous! I'm looking forward to getting that body and putting another head on it. What a Face


I'm getting these (one of each) mostly to kitbash that unique body, but the whole set for each figure looks great to me anyway, those outfits and accessories are very nice indeed. I'll most likely swap out the heads though, as personally I prefer something a little less stylised (the sculpts on the next projected figures in this series are nearer the mark for me and I'll definitely be ordering at least one of those).

I'm not sure if it's my eyes or more likely the promo shoots deceiving me, but it looks like 'Mu' is tan and 'Bing' is pale, which while not a deal-breaker would be another plus point.


I'm guessing Giantoy should be sending me my invoice sometime soon.


More pictures from someone who got their figures-


Founding Father
Quite beautiful, actually.

I'll be back!


Founding Father
Those in-hand pics are really nice. I still really wish that they had left the eys alone, but I’ll take it.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

NEW PRODUCT: Mr.Z model studio - city series first urban girl Mu & Bing #CG001-A/B - Page 3 1f10


Very cute, though I, too, still don't like the changes they made to the faces. They look younger and poutier and... Anyway, I hope the skin color will be compatible with other heads!


Apparently these use Jiaou bodies, or at least the same tech, according to some posts on BBICN (note the typical jiaou 'peeling' on the legs here)   Neutral NEW PRODUCT: Mr.Z model studio - city series first urban girl Mu & Bing #CG001-A/B - Page 3 012049dm7vvv39t9v9ca79

So they're not quite the exciting development that they first appeared, although I suspect the hands and feet are at least Mr Z's own moulds, as they look far more realistic than anything Jiaou have previously managed.

That said, 'Mu' does seem to be a unique (or at least new) 'anatomically correct' Jiaou model, as this VERY MUCH NSFW thread demonstrates:

I imagine 'Bing' will be the same or similar.

Purely from the evidence of those pics, the bodies might work well with some warmer coloured VeryCool / PopToys heads, but my initial enthusiasm for these figures has been duly tempered.

Still not had an invoice for them yet - apparently customers who bought direct from Mr Z are first in line.


Founding Father
GeeWillikers wrote:Apparently these use Jiaou bodies, or at least the same tech, according to some posts on BBICN (note the typical jiaou 'peeling' on the legs here)   Neutral

So they're not quite the exciting development that they first appeared, although I suspect the hands and feet are at least Mr Z's own moulds, as they look far more realistic than anything Jiaou have previously managed.

That said, 'Mu' does seem to be a unique (or at least new) 'anatomically correct' Jiaou model, as this VERY MUCH NSFW thread demonstrates:

I imagine 'Bing' will be the same or similar.

The bodies might work with some VeryCool heads, but my initial enthusiasm for these figures has been duly tempered.

Still not had an invoice for them yet - apparently customers who bought direct from Mr Z are first in line.
That peeling is disconcerting. Thanks for the additional information.

I'll be back!


GubernatorFan wrote:
That peeling is disconcerting. Thanks for the additional information.

Indeed it is. The uploader of that pic explains that they've swapped out the outfit for smaller, tighter clothing, but even so, the body shouldn't be peeling like that virtually straight out of the box (it usually takes a few months' wear and tear for Jiaous to start peeling that badly).


Founding Father
Jeez… and my enthusiasm over this just chipped away more and more.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

NEW PRODUCT: Mr.Z model studio - city series first urban girl Mu & Bing #CG001-A/B - Page 3 1f10


They have definitely pulled a switcheroo with that body. The promo body has a more defined chest. The new body's chest is more like pecs than breasts. They are too molded together.
The genital "crease", is far to high on the body, and the legs just slightly too far apart.

I can forgive this stuff, as i'm buying for the overall dressed look, not the body alone, but what disappoints the most, is the head sculpt. They've turned them into chubby headed, kids, rather than angsty streetwise 20 somethings.

Thanks for the links and additional info though, guys.


Yeah I've got to confess, I'm certainly seriously considering canceling one of them (I ordered both).

Jiaou female bodies are never more than just 'OK' and frankly even keeping them at that level takes more maintenance than they're worth (oddly, their male counterparts are noticeably superior for some reason). The only thing they've really got going for them is the variety of skintones they offer.

With these it does, though, appear to be a new design - and at least the legs have some shape to them for a change. Although that bizarre 'more pecs than breasts' feature is something of a signature feature in their older models, which I'd thought/hoped they'd moved away from.

Ah well, there's still that PopToys Blacksmith for me to look forward to.


The body looks good but I don't own any Jiaou bodies nor do I plan to.

My only interest is in the outfit set, and from what I see on that third picture in that BBICN link, it fits nicely on a WorldBox AT202.

NEW PRODUCT: Mr.Z model studio - city series first urban girl Mu & Bing #CG001-A/B - Page 3 01442410

Hopefully it's parted out soon on Taobao



There's some wide edge perspective type distortion on those pics that I'm still trying to mentally work around, but that AT202 still appealed far more to my eye than the 'Mu' body the photographer was attempting to showcase.

I'm not really a fan of jointed bodies in principle but that particular Worldbox series is so nicely designed I'll have to give them a try.


My guess on the fact that Mr Z. made their eyes widen is that the Chinese have a complex about their narrow eyes. It is considered unsightly today, and many women have eyelid surgery.
They have received some criticism along these lines on the forum, I even read someone talking about racism.

I know about a famous Hong Kong fashion photographer who took beautiful pictures of a gorgeous model with really narrow eyes, and he just got flamed and cancelled. I imagine Mr Z. didn't want this to happen.


Founding Father
Well, that’s unfortunate. There are just so many negatives about China it’s hard to digest them all.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

NEW PRODUCT: Mr.Z model studio - city series first urban girl Mu & Bing #CG001-A/B - Page 3 1f10


I just got invoiced by Giantoy so she should be with me within two weeks or so.


I've also just got my GianToy invoice.

Interestingly, it's only for one of the figures (A or 'Mu'), not both.


Founding Father
Paid mine also. Maybe I’ll like her more once I get her in-hand…


He who dies with the most toys wins!

NEW PRODUCT: Mr.Z model studio - city series first urban girl Mu & Bing #CG001-A/B - Page 3 1f10

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