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NEW PRODUCT: Yantoys JR07 1/6 Scale DAWSON

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Cut off 22nd April 2024
Available in Q4 2024

Yantoys JR07 1/6 Scale DAWSON

Product list:
Head sculpture * 2
Body * 1
Hand * 6
Shoes*1 pair
Pants * 1
Black vest * 1
Coat * 2
Duffle bag*1
Steamer ticket*1
Letter paper*1
Sketch paper*10
Wooden platform * 1

NEW PRODUCT: Yantoys JR07 1/6 Scale DAWSON 5-528x23
NEW PRODUCT: Yantoys JR07 1/6 Scale DAWSON 1-528x25
NEW PRODUCT: Yantoys JR07 1/6 Scale DAWSON -528x610
NEW PRODUCT: Yantoys JR07 1/6 Scale DAWSON 9-528x668
NEW PRODUCT: Yantoys JR07 1/6 Scale DAWSON 8-528x668
NEW PRODUCT: Yantoys JR07 1/6 Scale DAWSON 7-528x668
NEW PRODUCT: Yantoys JR07 1/6 Scale DAWSON 6-528x668
NEW PRODUCT: Yantoys JR07 1/6 Scale DAWSON 3-528x668
NEW PRODUCT: Yantoys JR07 1/6 Scale DAWSON 20-528x668
NEW PRODUCT: Yantoys JR07 1/6 Scale DAWSON 2-528x668
NEW PRODUCT: Yantoys JR07 1/6 Scale DAWSON 19-528x668
NEW PRODUCT: Yantoys JR07 1/6 Scale DAWSON 17-528x668
NEW PRODUCT: Yantoys JR07 1/6 Scale DAWSON 16-528x668
NEW PRODUCT: Yantoys JR07 1/6 Scale DAWSON 14-528x668
NEW PRODUCT: Yantoys JR07 1/6 Scale DAWSON 12-528x668


Oh, that Dawson. I was hoping might be Richard Dawson of Hogan’s Heroes. Sideshow only made Hogan, Klink and Schultz but never any Newkirk.

Or heck, I’d take a Richard Dawson from The Running Man or even Family Feud over this.

This one triggers Celine Dion aversion syndrome, LOL.


Founding Father
LOL or how about Dawson's Creek?
This one has been done a couple of times already, and I think the likeness was better than this, which seems just a little bit off in some way. However, this might work rather well for a custom random young male.

I'll be back!


GubernatorFan wrote:LOL or how about Dawson's Creek?
This one has been done a couple of times already, and I think the likeness was better than this, which seems just a little bit off in some way. However, this might work rather well for a custom random young male.
100% agreed. I really like the heads as they are, even more so because they don't look much like him at all. Smile


Founding Father
Diana wrote:
GubernatorFan wrote:LOL or how about Dawson's Creek?
This one has been done a couple of times already, and I think the likeness was better than this, which seems just a little bit off in some way. However, this might work rather well for a custom random young male.
100% agreed. I really like the heads as they are, even more so because they don't look much like him at all. Smile

Indeed, that can be useful.

I'll be back!


Founding Father
If the sketch book doesn’t come with a naked Kate Winslet pic… easy pass.  Laughing


He who dies with the most toys wins!

NEW PRODUCT: Yantoys JR07 1/6 Scale DAWSON Ed116210

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