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Useful items for sixth-scale environments (continuously updated)

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Founding Father
Nice find, DarthJ. Hope to spot some of those one day, to get some variety. It's been a while, but I find these even more realistic -- and they are also certainly practical --

barbiecustom - Useful items for sixth-scale environments (continuously updated) - Page 22 Box0210

barbiecustom - Useful items for sixth-scale environments (continuously updated) - Page 22 Box0310

barbiecustom - Useful items for sixth-scale environments (continuously updated) - Page 22 Box0410

barbiecustom - Useful items for sixth-scale environments (continuously updated) - Page 22 Box0510

Faster Than Life

Everyone likes to indulge in takeout every now and then, right?

With that in mind, here are some templates for printing out and putting together:

Chinese Takeout Boxes

Pizza boxes

Paper bags

Might take some experimentation to figure out how to scale them correctly when printed, but I figure these can be super useful to some! For the pizza box I'd probably recommend you trace it onto thin cardboard, for the Chinese takeout I'd recommend printing on cardstock, and for the paper bag I'd just trace the template onto a paper bag and cut and glue. Great for stakeouts and impromptu dates Wink


Founding Father
Thanks for the templates, Faster Than Life, they are definitely very useful items. I happen to have a Chinese takeout box from a Lost Boys set (I think), but still good to have if I want to make more.


More paper printables here:

The shopping bag templates work well. I use old broken yo-yo strings for the handles.

barbiecustom - Useful items for sixth-scale environments (continuously updated) - Page 22 1SiQnZ8


Founding Father
Thanks for the cross-links, Dan. Worked great.

I'll be back!


Doesn't this pizza look real ?

barbiecustom - Useful items for sixth-scale environments (continuously updated) - Page 22 Img_6512

That is because it IS real. Found in a local supermarket.

barbiecustom - Useful items for sixth-scale environments (continuously updated) - Page 22 Img_6513

It has one disadvantage though : it doesn't last long.
Both kaftans are the vintage "in bloom" for Barbie, difficult to find for a reasonable price in Europe.

barbiecustom - Useful items for sixth-scale environments (continuously updated) - Page 22 Img_6514


Founding Father
DarthJ... interesting find(s). But I completely believe you that this pizza is impractical. As in it won't last long. Especially if I'm around. Wink Or did you mean it might go bad?

I'll be back!


GubernatorFan wrote:DarthJ... interesting find(s). But I completely believe you that this pizza is impractical. As in it won't last long. Especially if I'm around. Wink Or did you mean it might go bad?

Check the packaging in the last picture, it won't have time to get bad.

Culinary hint : I baked these in an Air Fryer for 10 minutes at 160°C. No need for a large oven.


You aren't supposed to use an air fryer. You need a Black & Decker Hydrator

More of my work can be found at One Sixth Arsenal


shazzdan wrote:You aren't supposed to use an air fryer. You need a Black & Decker Hydrator

Tried that and the machine got the hydration level messed up. The pizza became a soup as a result.


DarthJ wrote:Tried that and the machine got the hydration level messed up. The pizza became a soup as a result.

Heh. The voice recognition software has trouble differentiating between Hydrate Level 4 and Hydrate Level 5.

More of my work can be found at One Sixth Arsenal


Stryker2011 wrote:Unfortunately, I've never seen this type of thing available anywhere here in the US (maybe I'm not shopping at the right sort of stores...?).

I believe I have seen those at Meijer stores (midwest area). I can check easily to verify but I was just surprised to see them in the toy section.


Founding Father
Unfortunately, though I live in the Midwest, we don’t have Meijer stores anywhere near me — they seem to be mostly in Lower Michigan and surrounding area. I haven’t really looked online to see where the nearest one would be, though.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

barbiecustom - Useful items for sixth-scale environments (continuously updated) - Page 22 C8485110


Founding Father
I used to live in Lower MI and OH, and we had Meijers, but I've never seen them there. To some degree what they carry varies from place to place, and this might be at work here.

I'll be back!


So I went to a Meijer and took some pix...All of these items were in and around the doll aisle.
The real licensed minis are called Real Littles. I think they were selling for $10.
barbiecustom - Useful items for sixth-scale environments (continuously updated) - Page 22 UnctRlh

The other minis are called Wacky Packages by Topps. These are the imitation lookalikes with wacky names...
They come in 3 different quantites... 5 pack, 20 pack and 25 pack. Prices are $6, $15 and $20 respectively.
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I also saw mini-toys that they are selling now...fully licensed products. I ended up buying 2 of the toy boxes cuz they had Starscream mini and Bumblebee mini. Each toy box was $7.
barbiecustom - Useful items for sixth-scale environments (continuously updated) - Page 22 ZeTYDA2


Founding Father
Thank you Rex for the info and photos, I will look into it. Just another reason to miss living in the Midwest...

I'll be back!

542barbiecustom - Useful items for sixth-scale environments (continuously updated) - Page 22 Empty 1/6 budget hat Tue Feb 15, 2022 10:24 pm


Grabbed these at the japanese dollar store, well dollar store now is a couple bucks. Anywho, they are supposed to be chair leg protectors or something. I clipped the top off. I may take out the stitching and redo it to make it taper more. Can also use this as a tube dress I guess. It's stretchy so should fit most figures decently.

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I had thought of grabbing some gloves to make em, but afraid they may be too small for 1/6 heads.



Good eye to spot the possibilities for an unusual product!

I did not know they made socks for table legs.

I did not know that table legs felt chilly and needed socks.


Founding Father
Nice find Craig. Something similar was shown to us as a way of doing men's socks.

I'll be back!


davidd wrote:Good eye to spot the possibilities for an unusual product!

I did  not know they made socks for table legs.

I did not know that table legs felt chilly and needed socks.
Hey, chairs have feelings to, they already have to cope with being sat on.

It's probably to avoid scratches on a wooden floor, but usually they just put something under the legs.

Lexi is my (TBLeague) travel companion.
Lexi's holiday with Allison and Bernadette


Founding Father
Interesting results for something like that. Looks like a cool find.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

barbiecustom - Useful items for sixth-scale environments (continuously updated) - Page 22 C8485110


Here's the chair sock as a dress, 25b on the left, 23b on the right. (i unstitched an uncut one for the 23b) It's a bit tighter on the bigger 23 but I think it still works. The one on the 25 is a bit short cause i used the top for the hat , heh, works as a dress still though.

barbiecustom - Useful items for sixth-scale environments (continuously updated) - Page 22 Dsc03415



Founding Father
Wow, very inventive.

I'll be back!


Founding Father
That’s really cool. The one on the right looks like a legit outfit.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

barbiecustom - Useful items for sixth-scale environments (continuously updated) - Page 22 C8485110


I’ve been looking for good glasses/tumblers for Max and Juno for years, and struck gold today! I was in B&Q, and found these 12mm PVC table leg tips which turned out to be just the right size! They’re perhaps a *tiny* bit big, but tbh I’ve seen some pretty oversize glassware for sale in real life recently so I think it works well enough. I only bought one set as I wasn’t sure how they’d look next to a doll but I’m kinda wishing I’d bought more now! 😂 A pack of four was only £1 which I think is an absolute bargain!

barbiecustom - Useful items for sixth-scale environments (continuously updated) - Page 22 51932558339_ca1bbb14b11/6th scale glass tumblers from table leg tips! by Christine Sutcliffe, on Flickr

barbiecustom - Useful items for sixth-scale environments (continuously updated) - Page 22 51932846710_3caab9f7371/6th scale glass tumblers from table leg tips! by Christine Sutcliffe, on Flickr

barbiecustom - Useful items for sixth-scale environments (continuously updated) - Page 22 51932228726_402d3c83fa1/6th scale glass tumblers from table leg tips! by Christine Sutcliffe, on Flickr

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- - - -


Founding Father
Excellent find, Christine. And nicely presented, too.

I'll be back!


Founding Father
That’s pretty clever. I wonder if they will hold their shape if you added a mix of epoxy with paint to create the effect of alcohol.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

barbiecustom - Useful items for sixth-scale environments (continuously updated) - Page 22 C8485110


I think they would! They’ve got a little bit of flexibility around the edges but for the most part they’re pretty solid. If and when I I buy more I’m definitely going to fill a few!

- - - -


The action figure world is rather poor in providing mundane everyday objects. Luckily there is also a fashion doll world which has been providing us with such objects for 63 years now.
The bottles are keyring objects though.

barbiecustom - Useful items for sixth-scale environments (continuously updated) - Page 22 Img_1113

barbiecustom - Useful items for sixth-scale environments (continuously updated) - Page 22 Img_1114

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