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NEW PRODUCT: TBLeague s46-47 (Month body?)

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Founding Father
They’re up at Timewalker as well.


March release isn't too bad of a wait at all, hope it's not too far off the mark.

I'm waiting for GianToy, as well. Maybe they are slower these days, but I still find them reliable.


While there's nothing approaching the horrendous delays of (for example) Super Duck, TBL's release schedule isn't that reliable at the moment (the S40/41 was due in December but apparently still isn't out yet), so I'd give it until April/May.

That said, Saintess Knight wasn't due until sometime later this month but was released a bit earlier, at the end of December.


GeeWillikers wrote:Thinking ahead: if TBL are going to bypass Viking Woman and the supervoluptuous Convention bodies, I guess we're due a new spin on the 'athletic' bodytype next (some ethnic variants are probably too much to hope for).
That's what I was thinking. The S22/23 is still among my favorites, but those thighs are huge and she is super tall. I'm hoping for a smaller wiry body type, but male and female. Smile

I'll buy one without head and with detached feet, even if it's just to send a signal to TBL and encourage them to release more realistic bodies.


I will keel over in shock if Tbleague ever release an actually realistic male body....

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


GeeWillikers wrote:the S40/41 was due in December but apparently still isn't out yet

It is now in stock and available to order:

(I know a lot of people don't like Aliexpress, but my experience with this particular seller has been very good so far, I've ordered three bodies from here at different dates and they arrived flawlessly every time. Of course it's a matter of trust, everyone has their own preferred seller.)


GianToy are being really slow in getting these up for pre-order. Neutral If this body is anything like the Saintess Knight/Month body, I want some yesterday! bounce

I'm busy chasing up a missing headsculpt with GT right now (the carrier's fault rather than theirs, to be fair) but once that's dealt with I'll 'Ask Amelia' about these.


MeMyself&I wrote:The feet options are for sure the best part of this though. Their new floppy foot design is somehow worse than the old one I think, so removable feet as an option is a major upgrade!!  

I dunno about that now, to be honest. Of course I'll never buy them over detachable-foot models without a massive improvement for purely practical reasons, but the recent floppies do actually have side-to-side ankle rotation, which the old seamless feet never did (I discovered this feature completely by accident some weeks after purchase of an S42). And while they're larger and have lost that nice feminine 'arch', they are more realistically-designed. The only real - but suitably large - problem with them is that the hard (I assume) plastic 'foot' inside/under the TPE doesn't extend far enough into the 'skin' of the foot to stabilise them enough so that they can stand.

After hating them to start with, I've grown to accept that for some purposes, while not exactly preferable, they're actually OK.


GeeWillikers wrote:
MeMyself&I wrote:The feet options are for sure the best part of this though. Their new floppy foot design is somehow worse than the old one I think, so removable feet as an option is a major upgrade!!  

I dunno about that now, to be honest. Of course I'll never buy them over detachable-foot models without a massive improvement for purely practical reasons, but the recent floppies do actually have side-to-side ankle rotation, which the old seamless feet never did (I discovered this feature completely by accident some weeks after purchase of an S42). And while they're larger and have lost that nice feminine 'arch', they are more realistically-designed. The only real - but suitably large - problem with them is that the hard (I assume) plastic 'foot' inside/under the TPE doesn't extend far enough into the 'skin' of the foot to stabilise them enough so that they can stand.

After hating them to start with, I've grown to accept that for some purposes, while not exactly preferable, they're actually OK.

Oh, I agree with the points you made about the good parts of them (ironically, I found out about the rotating ankles the exact same way you did with my S42, completely by accident). And they are, to a point, better in some use cases.

I do respectfully stand behind my point though in that where these feet go wrong, they do so quite well. As you pointed out, the support for the foot itself is minimal. I nearly ruined my S42 checking out some stockings for it. Stretch fabric is very forgiving, but it had some strong words for me during that process. It has everything to do with the fact it bends in the middle of the foot. Like, why? What possessed you to design it this way TBL? A little longer, not enough even to make it stand, but just a little longer so it didn't bend there and we'd be cool. I love the S42, but that is one area I do not like.

I do think the S34 is better in this regard, as it is just physically smaller, but at the same time I feared to do anything for the same reasons. I unfortunately don't have my S34 anymore, nor did I for very long. Pretty sure BBTS got a bad batch, as I went through 2 of them in the course of 2-3 weeks only to have a wide range of major issues. BBTS was great about it as always, but I had plans for a character that got sidelined hard because of it. I digress though.

Either way, they do have their uses as you said GW, I do agree. And I don't hate them, I just wish that I would have the same experience with them that I have had with the old (which has, by and large, been perfectly fine. Only one issue in 5 S07Cs).


Oh that's a shame, I've got one 34/35 of each and haven't had any problems at all with them myself (frustratingly the body I've had most troubles with is the 29 but I seem more or less alone in that).

Yes, the one real problem with the 'improved' floppy feet is a very large one, and annoyingly it seems easy enough to solve as you say, if only TBL would take the trouble.

I also wonder if a simple flat plastic sole on the underside of the foot would in any way stabilise it enough to stand, without interfering too much with the aesthetic.

Still, having all these options here with 46/47 is the next best (or perhaps even the best) solution, and it shows that TBL might even be listening, even if the fruits of our voices to their ear are slow to materialise.


GeeWillikers wrote: troubles with is the 29 but I seem more or less alone in that).

You're not the only one. In fact, I'm genuinely surprised to hear there are good 29's out in the wild. I have 2 (4 if you count Phantom Killer and Nancy in Hell) because I like the aesthetic and put up with the glaring flaws, but all the arms are screwy and need creative posing/support without exception. Some have wrist peg problems. My sister got one and it was the same, so while this isn't a humongous sample size I kind of just figured that was how 29's were across the board.


Founding Father
I was thinking the same thing, GW, but it occurs to me that there may be some significant technical difficulty, not to say impossibility, in attaching a plastic sole/foot base to the rubbery flesh (and, also, at the same time, to the metal endoskeleton). Still, it is beyond me why they cannot have a functional metal ankle inside the seamless rubbery flesh foot -- though the seamless rubbery undersole would certainly play havoc with balancing, so perhaps even trying to do this might be considered impractical from TBLeague's point of view. Just thinking out loud.

Interesting about the S29 problems. I'm guessing some batches may have shared problems that are not present in other batches. If one happens to have gotten all their S29 bodies from the same place (or same distributor or same batch -- some of which is probably impossible to trace/realize), it might explain it. My S29s have been generally issue-free, and only once when posing one I seem to have experienced anything resembling some of the complaints. On the other hand, all my M31s -- admittedly gotten early on and probably from the same batch -- had wrist peg issues. Combined with my lesser appreciation for that body (bad frontal sculpt, poor elbows), that has left me unwilling to take another chance on it -- well, actually I did, just once (it is the easiest of their male bodies to clothe, after all), and haven't had the heart to check out the damn wrist pegs yet. S29 is one of my favorite bodies, so I'm very sorry to hear there are common issues with it, and always a little apprehensive lest they show up on mine.

I'll be back!


I have four 29s from three different vendors, and none of them are problem-free (the best of the bad bunch is the Nancy In Hell body but even that has a dodgy right wrist). All the defects are in the arms and wrists, with additional skin-tearing at the right side hip in two of them. In one body (my first of these), the left arm was so stiff and badly-twisted under the skin that it eventually snapped off at the shoulder and now hangs limply -still inside the skin- at the side of the body.

I do however have a single pale S28, and it has none of the problems of any of the 29s.

It's certainly a manufacturing issue, but the better build of the bodies that followed gives me hope that once that initial batch of 29s is worked through these might be worth picking up again. It's annoying because it's one of TBL's best body designs, and if it wasn't for those build defects I'd have a lot more than four of them.


GeeWillikers wrote:I have four 29s from three different vendors, and none of them are problem-free (the best of the bad bunch is the Nancy In Hell body but even that has a dodgy right wrist). All the defects are in the arms and wrists, with additional skin-tearing at the right side hip in two of them. In one body (my first of these), the left arm was so stiff and badly-twisted under the skin that it eventually snapped off at the shoulder and now hangs limply -still inside the skin- at the side of the body.

I do however have a single pale S28, and it has none of the problems of any of the 29s.

It's certainly a manufacturing issue, but the better build of the bodies that followed gives me hope that once that initial batch of 29s is worked through these might be worth picking up again. It's annoying because it's one of TBL's best body designs, and if it wasn't for those build defects I'd have a lot more than four of them.

I am wondering if this was an issue with their manufacturing at that particular time? I say this because i remember several other tbleague bodies I bought around that same time period had arm issues (at least two or three of my s25b's I had to get partial refunds on because the arms didn't bend properly).

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


Not to derail this too much more from the s46-47, but everyone talking about the arm issues with the 29s is interesting as that’s the bulk of the issues I had with the S34. The first one had a left elbow so thin, even when straight, I’m shocked it didn’t split on me. It also had ratcheting elbows when pronating (both arms), which made precise movements impossible. Both of these were true for the two I had. Top that ratcheting off with the fact neither of the two I owned could fold her arms across her body because it just wouldn’t rotate that far, and you have what amounts to a NSFW paper weight.


GeeWillikers wrote:I have four 29s from three different vendors, and none of them are problem-free (the best of the bad bunch is the Nancy In Hell body but even that has a dodgy right wrist). All the defects are in the arms and wrists, with additional skin-tearing at the right side hip in two of them. In one body (my first of these), the left arm was so stiff and badly-twisted under the skin that it eventually snapped off at the shoulder and now hangs limply -still inside the skin- at the side of the body.

I do however have a single pale S28, and it has none of the problems of any of the 29s.

It's certainly a manufacturing issue, but the better build of the bodies that followed gives me hope that once that initial batch of 29s is worked through these might be worth picking up again. It's annoying because it's one of TBL's best body designs, and if it wasn't for those build defects I'd have a lot more than four of them.

Yeah, this thread has me wondering if it's safe to order one now. It's too bad the pale version is the sturdy one, since I've found virtually all good heads match better with suntan.


MeMyself&I wrote:Not to derail this too much more from the s46-47, but everyone talking about the arm issues with the 29s is interesting as that’s the bulk of the issues I had with the S34. The first one had a left elbow so thin, even when straight, I’m shocked it didn’t split on me. It also had ratcheting elbows when pronating (both arms), which made precise movements impossible. Both of these were true for the two I had. Top that ratcheting off with the fact neither of the two I owned could fold her arms across her body because it just wouldn’t rotate that far, and you have what amounts to a NSFW paper weight.

I have one of these and while I didn't experience the problems with the build inside I did notice that it couldn't pose as well at the bicep swivel point. I almost broke it but was able to pull back when the (unexpected) tension occurred trying to rotate the arms. I wonder if the smaller bodies aren't prone to issues in the arms in general. I also wonder, and here is me drawing connections like the guy from South Park lol, if the 1/12 figures lack the bicep swivel articulation point because they found the smaller the figure the worse the arm got.

Or we're all just unlucky haha. It happens.


I'm definitely pre-ordering one just to signal TBL my appreciation for the design and hopefully encourage them to produce more. Hopefully it won't have any of these problems, but admittedly I don't tend to do much with my figures anyway, so the issues haven't bothered me. Much.


Well it's certainly a dilemma - if we stop buying the 29 altogether, it might provoke a re-design (that is if it's an actual design flaw rather than just a badly-manufactured first batch).

But then it's equally likely that they'll simply cut their losses and stop producing them altogether and move on.

Build quality has improved again though (I've had no problems at all with the 38/39, 42/43, Viking Woman bodies and the single s45 I've bought).  So I'll definitely pick up some of these 46/47s, if GianToy ever put them up for order that is.

... And I've noticed a few little problems with GianToy lately, BTW - it could just be down to the upcoming Chinese holidays, hopefully.


Did this ever show up on GianToy? I'm still waiting to PO.....

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


skywalkersaga wrote:Did this ever show up on GianToy? I'm still waiting to PO.....

I've got their 'new preorders' page on permanent 'refresh', and there's nothing yet.


Tired of waiting on these, so I've emailed GianToy asking if and when they're getting them in for preorder. Should hopefully hear back from them soon.


GeeWillikers wrote:Tired of waiting on these, so I've emailed GianToy asking if and when they're getting them in for preorder. Should hopefully hear back from them soon.

Thanks for that.

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


They'll be adding links to preorder 'some time in the next day or two'.

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