I like to make custom figures, it started in December 2018. Since then I acquired and customised quite some characters and I am losing overview when trying to introduce them to someone.  There has been confusion which character belongs were.  I might never finish what I started but I will just look were it leads to. I will update this irregularly.

So I decided to make a collective thread giving viewers and me an overview. And I will put it in my signature. 

For a custom character to work for me it needs a story, somehow explaining why the figures look how they look. For a story to work, they need a world to inhabit. Once the world is growing and becomes it's own character, it's easier for other characters to join that world. For the 1/6 figures, at the moment, I created two settings.  There is a third secret one. In spaaace.

One is set on our Earth, but in a post apocalyptic one. But don’t think Mad Max, although some classic aesthetics might appear.  We don't have cars, phones, planes and guns but horses, bicycles, giant crabs, megasharks, clam shields, stone spears, crossbows and style.  Most technologies are gone, most humans too.
When I ‘launched’ this world in June 2019, for the ultimate cause of humanities’ fall I had a pandemic in mind, among some others.  I didn’t expect there to be an actual pandemic not half a year later. (My estimations were 2021, but even I err sometimes.)
I concentrate the setting to Europe and Northern Africa for now, multiple scenes and different new societies represented by bands of characters. 

 The other setting is a fantasy world on the brink of destruction by an unknown force, which turns the dead into an effective, seemingly unstoppable fighting force -  Empires and kingdoms are ripped apart one after the other and the last humans retreated behind a chain of islands in the Northern hemisphere, still figuring out how to work together despite their past differences, hoping for a miracle coming from a mysterious ancient temple complex at the North Pole.
It gives me an excuse to explore all kinds of different designs, cultures and aesthetics for armor, characters and weapons, mixing them together into a small band of characters living through humanities’ presumably last war.

It could be a better overview for sure, so if there are any ideas for other formats, I hear you. I tired it without pictures, it was very boring. Maybe little portraits.


Eurocalypse (Stupid Working Title, until I hopefully come up with an interesting name one day)

The Mediterrans

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The first people I made for the post apocalyptic world were the “Mediterrans”. I used a lot of real sea shells. My explanation why they have these giant sea shells:

Before the fall, a gigantic repopulation effort involving genetically altered substances to save the dying oceans went...not wrong, but unexpected. The ocean life was saved, but many organisms mutated and grew into something very big and dangerous like straight from a good B-movie. Giant crabs crawling out of the sea, poisonous kraken and jellyfish, megasharks, towers of huge clams turning into new islands and beaches. Hundreds of years later, there is a new balance of power. But some human tribes still live at the dangerous coasts of the Mediterranean sea. It seems their bodies are addicted to these giant, but very tasty sea creatures, which makes them strong an healthy, so they won’t resettle any time soon. They lead simple but exciting lives consisting of hunting, adventure, beauty and the arts.

The first thread shows the creation of the Mediterran friends Valzenka, Zraikos, Jordi and Capraia

Later there was a”Phase 2”, introducing new characters around the Mediterran chieftain Baloverne, his daughter Roqi and her bodyguard Nayhadjia.

Baloverne WIP thread
The chief changed a bit since I last posted in his thread. I hope to finish a Diorama for him this year.

Roqi WIP thread
Roqi also changed a bit since the last update, for example I removed her entire lamb wool hair again, carved down the headsculpt more and re-did it all.

Lady Liberta, Roqi's final version:

Nayhadjia, mysterious razor clam fighter and Roqi's new bodyguard.


Corniglia, a little girl

California, leading scholar on sea urchins and inventor of the Riccini di Mare.

The Children of the Monsters (working title..)
Then there is my forest folks. They are the descendants of infected, mutated humans who had to flee the populated regions to hide in the forests. Since their ancestors mostly lost their language, their children developed completely new ways of speaking. And in their isolation, they turned into tribal societies of hunter gatherers, knowingly rejecting the luxury of fixed settlements, agriculture and cattle for religious purposes, living under sky and tent, their dogs as only non-human companions. They try not to get involved with the affairs of other societies, who mostly view the forest dwellers as primitve, brutal, pagan barbarians.
They all wear masks and clothing made of leather and fiber, their tools, though sometimes involving metal and other modern materials, mostly consist of what the forest gives them. The forest themselves also changed in the hundreds of years since humanities decline. The forest has “eaten” most of central Europe and it’s cities. Before the fall there was an attempt to stop pollution with a new breed of mushrooms, which was even able to digest plastics, which spawned multiple modern waste processing facilites in several cities. These days, the fungus seems to have explored the world outside of their original homes, but instead of tilting the ecological balance and destroying and eating like a cancer, the fungal colonies symbiotically connected with the forests in search of each other.  Large concentrations of these fungi are holy places for the humans still inhabiting the forests.

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These days everyone has an opinion about masks, spreading diseases and social distance, so for my sanity’s sake all of that might play less of an important role in their society and stories than I actually planned and I will focus more on their “Neo-Neolithic” style, mostly using organic (but non vegan) materials like leather, wood, fur etc.

Children of the Monsters Main WIP and story thread, featuring Gyrstermherk, Trykkiljuf, Shryett, the Wolf Man and the Wild Boy.
Updated from time to time, just scroll thorugh, maybe give it a read.

There is a picture story photgraphed in the woods, with the intention of introducing all the forest characters, but long time no update since I need to finish a complicated diorama.

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The Lost Wolf


There is also a photo series of the Wild Boy which I took to a trip to Sweden.

Rainbow Paradise Birds
Like the forest folk, these people are descendants of infected mutants. But instead of fleeing to the forests, their ancestors gathered in a particular valley in Spain, and during the horror of humanities’ decline found beauty, collecting art and other mutated individuals all around Europe, creating a beautiful but vulnerable little paradise world. They developed a whistling language and are painting their entire bodies, hair and even their animals in striking rainbow colors. There seemed to be trade in the first few years, but at some day it seems they isolated themselves, so not much is known about them in the other societies. Travelers and adventurers tell of a colorful psychedelic landscapes.

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Rainbow Paradise Bird WIP and story thread

Cargo States
Then there are the Cargo States, more classic post-apocalyptic, but with a medieval tech twist. They collect many useless items from “back in the day’, maintaining these old artifacts is a sign of wealth. They are descendants of quarantine survivors, as well as Cargoship and Navy crews.  When the 'Plague' wiped out most of the world, the inhabitants of coast based quarantine camps were the last to use radio communication among each other. When mostly mothers and small children were left in the camps, they coordinated and controlled the influx of surviving Cargoship Crews from all around the world to minimize infection risks, casualties and overpopulation by male survivors. When the Plague was gone, they had to form a new society. The Cargo States mostly exist on the Northern European coasts, with hard to traverse forests in their back and dangerous sea creatures at the shores, although it seems they don’t share the symbiosis the Mediterrans in the South have with these creatures,  keeping them at bay at all costs. Multiple little city states have formed, connected through trade, religion, marriage and festivities. Although the expanding Nyhansa State is making attempts to unite all the states under them and claim the forest world in the South.

The center of the Cargo stories will be Princess Chyvlanska Maria Catanya Etcetera De Leuwwenhoek of Nieuuuw Rotterdamm, her trusted friend, horse trainer and bodyguard they all just call Vyl and their jester, bard and soldier of fortune+gambling problems, Yurg.

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Cargo Trio WIP thread (Last update: Ages ago)

Another member of a Cargo State from the British Isles was
Shaheen McSheen. Since Brexit he has never been seen.

Fringers (Working title)
Then there are the Fringers, who are neither Forest people, nor Cargo States, but something in between, a culture somewhere between pagan rituals and military order, ancestor worship, primitive technology and progress. They now serve the Nyhansa State of the Baltic Sea. In the expanding state, attempts have been made for ages to civilize the wild nomads from the forests, to free the valuable woods and areas.
Their greatest success was to make the parts of these sedentary frontier people their vassals. The reputation of these allies is controversial. The silent, strange people are feared among the citizens of the Nyhansa. Although some of them carry equipment and metals from the empire, with their strange runes, eerie masks, furs and primitive face-paints, they have little in common with a noble knight of the Nyhansa. As much as they are valued as soldiers, there are rumors of atrocities and that the generals don't really have them under control in the field. It is said that they are basically still savages like their cousins ​​in the deep woods. But as long as the Nyhansians don't want to move into the woods themselves, they will have to rely on the help of the mysterious border people.
Only character yet is Xykkurji.

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Xykkurji (Xykuurji, Xykkuurji)
It is said that Xykkurji is an ancient spirit who restlessly roams the borderlands between the remnants of civilization in the North and the deep, city-eating forests in the South. After death, Xykkurji is said to wake up in a new body every time. Others object - Xykkurji's body heals and rises from the dead, again and again. Some even believe that there is no body under the dark mask, only a black mist. Still others say, however, that Xykkurji does not represent a single being or a person, but several. Because a being like Xykkurji has many names in many different places.
Or maybe it's just skill and good armor.


Mirror Communities
A clear and clean contrast to all the other societies are the “Mirror Communities”. It is not known how many there are, but it seems they posess high amounts of ancient knowledge and even technologies. It’s an extremely minimalist society, their clothing and equipment either being shiny white or having reflective, mirrored surfaces.
The surivors became obsessed with cleanliness and strength of body and soul. Over the generations, all those hygienic recommendations and practical tips turned into philosophies and religions. While at base an atheistic society, after generations quite some pseudo science has crept into their world view. Mirrors became their source of protection, reflecting and dispersing the bad, reflecting diseases and negative waves.  The communities are loosely connected and mostly sheltered by fences and walls that are decorated with mirrors.  The “feral” people of the forests, called 'Medusians' by the communities, are still afraid of mirrors of all kinds after hundreds of years. The communities' white clean clothing, also decorated with mirrors, often with covered faces, make many ‘Medusians’ think that these people are some kinds of gods or interdimensional beings, living in the reflections. They leave each other alone, mostly, although the Mirror Communities have quite an interest in antropology. When coming of age, small groups leave their sanctuaries for two years, learning new skills in remote places, often on hills and mountain tops.
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The aesthetics and themes I want to present are inspired by Minimalism, Buddhism, sterile surroundings like hospitals, IKEA, quarantine compounds or spas, THX, New Age, bathrooms, cliche science facilities, Modern Art, SciFi-cleanliness and so on.
Mirror Communities WIP and story thread

Unnamed fantasy world

The fantasy world, while it's conflict is on a global scale, is focused on a small group of suvivors The story/world has No name yet.

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I will need to make a lot of budget zombies and finish quite some characters, some have not been shown yet. Most have names behind them but I won’t reveal them just yet.

Jaroyeszs with mostly finished armor

Old Jaroyesz WIP thread. This figure I “rebooted” in 2021 when launching the fantasy universe in my head. Posts before #65 are about my first figure, but 100% of parts were replaced since I started.

Northern Warrior Joqonukk

Desert Warrior

Southern Warrior

The White Knight


Eastern Warriors WIP of old Samurai armor upgraded with new heads and bodies.

Detailed pictures of weapons and equipment.

Oh an some 1/12 Star Wars

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The 999th Penal Legion

Custom Mandalorians

A Photo Story
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