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NEW PRODUCT TBLeague 1/6 Spartan Warrior Action Figure [Gold/Black] (PL2022-189A/B)

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Well. There is a single parted-out Black Spartan (blonde) head sculpt left, but I've swiftly reconsidered buying it now that I've seen what the seller is asking for it.

US $155.99
Approximately £123.98

It has almost tripled in price since the original listing last week.




Founding Father
There isn't anything that special about these heads to justify that price other than they match the body skin color.


Stryker2011 wrote:There isn't anything that special about these heads to justify that price other than they match the body skin color.

It's ridiculous, even by the recent ridiculous seller standards of this hobby. The other head meanwhile is the same price it was last week. There's only one of those left too, so I wonder what the justification is for the price hike on the blonde?

Other than simply seeing what collectors are willing to pay, that is.


Whoa that's a lot for a head! Why not just buy the whole figure?


I think it's the most expensive newly parted-out TBL sculpt I've ever seen, especially considering it ain't all that.

Hopefully it's a 'trend' that doesn't catch on. If it does, I dread to even imagine what they're going to ask for the (potentially) more interesting Amazon and Night Warrior sculpts when they get parted out. Neutral

Hopefully if it shows up loose at Monkey Depot it'll be more sensibly priced.


GeeWillikers wrote:I think it's the most expensive newly parted-out TBL sculpt I've ever seen, especially considering it ain't all that.

Hopefully it's a 'trend' that doesn't catch on. If it does, I dread to even imagine what they're going to ask for the (potentially) more interesting Amazon and Night Warrior sculpts when they get parted out. Neutral

Hopefully if it shows up loose at Monkey Depot it'll be more sensibly priced.

I agree, hopefully they don't go for that much. That said, I'm trying to get a night warrior through my SS dealer. It's a lot cheaper that way (SS retails for 185ish).



I've already bought the Brown Amazon set in a fit of late-night madness and I've got the Blue Night Warrior on PO myself, so unless I win the lottery by August (which I very much doubt  Very Happy ) I don't think I'll need any spare heads, thankfully.


hehe, I hope you win the lottery!



The new spartans have arrived. They are using the S23B body.

The black version comes with 6 arrows, 3 without heads so as to fit into the shield. The gold version's shield has 1 hole for an arrow as well.

NEW PRODUCT TBLeague 1/6 Spartan Warrior Action Figure [Gold/Black] (PL2022-189A/B) - Page 3 92img_10

I like the quiver design. It's not just a repeat of the Narama/Elvish Archer quiver, it also holds the bow and allows it to be slung on the back when wielding sword and shield. (I always wondered what Narama does with her bow when not using it.)

NEW PRODUCT TBLeague 1/6 Spartan Warrior Action Figure [Gold/Black] (PL2022-189A/B) - Page 3 91img_10

A little more assembly is required on these than most other TBL boxed figures. The cloth strips need to be wrapped before putting on the bracers and greaves.

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NEW PRODUCT TBLeague 1/6 Spartan Warrior Action Figure [Gold/Black] (PL2022-189A/B) - Page 3 94img_10

Interesting choice of only adding the long tail to the golden helmet and not both. If I were a Persian soldier and I saw these 2 on the battlefield, once I got over the shock of seeing that they are women, I would assume the one with the tail and golden boob plate is of higher rank.

The head sculpts are great as usual for TBLeague, though once again I think the blond is too pretty for a warrior figure.
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NEW PRODUCT TBLeague 1/6 Spartan Warrior Action Figure [Gold/Black] (PL2022-189A/B) - Page 3 97img_10


Founding Father
Thanks for the mini review, Annalise. Nice sets, although I can't quite suspend my disbelief, in part for reasons you mention. I do think they have made more attractive heads before.

I'll be back!


Nice pics, you've certainly made the dark-haired sculpt look a lot more attractive than TBL could seem to manage to do in their promos. Smile

(I'm certain that it must have been a rough draft they used in those promos, in fact)

Yes, the blonde sculpt is definitely more 'maiden' or 'nobleman's daughter' than 'warrior'.


Nice review and pics.
GeeWillikers wrote:Nice pics, you've certainly made the dark-haired sculpt look a lot more attractive than TBL could seem to manage to do in their promos. Smile

(I'm certain that it must have been a rough draft they used in those promos, in fact)

Yes, the blonde sculpt is definitely more 'maiden' or 'nobleman's daughter' than 'warrior'.
The blonde looks like she's sad.

Lexi is my (TBLeague) travel companion.
Lexi's holiday with Allison and Bernadette


GubernatorFan wrote:Thanks for the mini review, Annalise. Nice sets, although I can't quite suspend my disbelief, in part for reasons you mention. I do think they have made more attractive heads before.

Thanks GF. I understand. For me it helps that I don't think of them as real Spartans, just vaguely Greco-Roman fantasy warriors. Much more comic book than history book.

Oh fer sure, these are not even top 5 best TBL sculpts. But that's a super-tough bracket that includes all-stars like Nancy in Hell and Narama so how's a poor girl to compete?

GeeWillikers wrote:Nice pics, you've certainly made the dark-haired sculpt look a lot more attractive than TBL could seem to manage to do in their promos.

Thanks. I often wish the promos showed more photos with the helmet off. Sometimes they only give us 2 photos to see the HS.

TravelGuide wrote:Nice review and pics.

Thanks very much kind sir!


My black Spartan Warrior (I'll call her that and ignore the promotional title) finally arrived. Here are my photos!

I think she does look great next to the (original) Army Commander, though the Commander now looks somewhat trashy next to the new one. Laughing

I think the sculpt may well be the same and if so: Amazing what a paint job can do! When paired together, I don't mind the soft expression of the Warrior anymore. I find it to be quite charming!

I'm looking forward to adding the black Amazon Soldier now. Smile

NEW PRODUCT TBLeague 1/6 Spartan Warrior Action Figure [Gold/Black] (PL2022-189A/B) - Page 3 Img_4413
NEW PRODUCT TBLeague 1/6 Spartan Warrior Action Figure [Gold/Black] (PL2022-189A/B) - Page 3 Img_4411
NEW PRODUCT TBLeague 1/6 Spartan Warrior Action Figure [Gold/Black] (PL2022-189A/B) - Page 3 Img_4412NEW PRODUCT TBLeague 1/6 Spartan Warrior Action Figure [Gold/Black] (PL2022-189A/B) - Page 3 Img_4416
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NEW PRODUCT TBLeague 1/6 Spartan Warrior Action Figure [Gold/Black] (PL2022-189A/B) - Page 3 Img_4415
NEW PRODUCT TBLeague 1/6 Spartan Warrior Action Figure [Gold/Black] (PL2022-189A/B) - Page 3 Img_4419
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NEW PRODUCT TBLeague 1/6 Spartan Warrior Action Figure [Gold/Black] (PL2022-189A/B) - Page 3 Img_4418


The new one does look better than the old to me, but both are very cool together still Smile
Thnks for the in hand pics

The knight is darkest just before the dawn.


Wonderful pics Diana!

She's very pretty. Overall the figure is pretty awesome, although her expression is a bit soft. The commander has a more warriorlike expression. But as you said the commander looks a bit trashy next to new figure. I guess she commands from the back and thus doesn't need that much armor.

Lexi is my (TBLeague) travel companion.
Lexi's holiday with Allison and Bernadette


Beautiful pictures, Diana. I think they definitely belong together. So much so that I kind of get an older sister (Commander)/younger sister (Warrior) vibe.

“Absolutely not. Mother will have my head if she sees you walking around dressed like I am. Or even worse, I’ll have to hear the ‘At least ONE of my daughters is going to carry herself like a proper lady.’ speech again.”


Founding Father
They look pretty great together.

I'll be back!


Diana’s pics inspired me to bring out my black Spartan Commander. I sometimes forget what a great figure she is. It’s also got me in a TBL Warrior Women frame of mind. As in, “Let’s take a second look at everything I passed on the last 12 months!” Laughing


Thank you all for the kind comments. Glad you like the pics! Very Happy

I took a few more of the head sculpt. At first I didn't think it would look right on the S47, because the neck is so thick that the head sat too high. But I could push it down far enough so I now think it does work.


NEW PRODUCT TBLeague 1/6 Spartan Warrior Action Figure [Gold/Black] (PL2022-189A/B) - Page 3 Img_4426
NEW PRODUCT TBLeague 1/6 Spartan Warrior Action Figure [Gold/Black] (PL2022-189A/B) - Page 3 Img_4428


NEW PRODUCT TBLeague 1/6 Spartan Warrior Action Figure [Gold/Black] (PL2022-189A/B) - Page 3 Img_4431
NEW PRODUCT TBLeague 1/6 Spartan Warrior Action Figure [Gold/Black] (PL2022-189A/B) - Page 3 Img_4427
NEW PRODUCT TBLeague 1/6 Spartan Warrior Action Figure [Gold/Black] (PL2022-189A/B) - Page 3 Img_4430
NEW PRODUCT TBLeague 1/6 Spartan Warrior Action Figure [Gold/Black] (PL2022-189A/B) - Page 3 Img_4429


Founding Father
I think it does work. And I agree, it is one of their better sculpts for sure, although I think there are a couple I like better.

I'll be back!

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