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New Product: Pop Toys 1/6 Witch Hunter - Two Versions

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brassco wrote:a tool is provided to position the eyes.

the body could be swapped to a suntan body to accomodate that Villa HS. But i'm happy with the HS that comes with it. cheers!

Glad they included a tool!

And yes, body swap would be easier. Wink


I was thinking about head swaps myself.  For example, I have a Sariah head that would look great on the dark version, but like everyone said, that means getting a S12D body, and now I’m investing more time and more money into a $225 figure.  I’m really trying to get away from doing that sort of thing.

I think that’s where I struggle with these two figures, though.  It’s not that the head sculpt and the rest of the figure aren’t nicely done.  It’s that you’ve got a cute, sweet, and innocent looking head going on a bad ass body.   I just can’t reconcile the two in my own mind.  She does look much better with all of her gear on though, as the shadows from the headdress help mitigate the cuteness of the head sculpt and make her look a little more menacing.


If you can find a pale head that would work, then it wouldn't be too bad of a swap. Especially if you then sold the original head to make up the cost.


skywalkersaga wrote:If you can find a pale head that would work, then it wouldn't be too bad of a swap. Especially if you then sold the original head to make up the cost.

That a great idea, and a few months ago, that’s probably what I would have done. Being an all or nothing kind of guy though, I’m finding that my best experiences in 1:6 are either complete figures that I like right out of the box or building a character from the ground up. I don’t enjoy trying to “fix” figures or “make it work”. That’s where about 90% of my frustration has come from…trying to push square pegs into round holes.


Xavion2004 wrote:
skywalkersaga wrote:If you can find a pale head that would work, then it wouldn't be too bad of a swap. Especially if you then sold the original head to make up the cost.

That a great idea, and a few months ago, that’s probably what I would have done. Being an all or nothing kind of guy though, I’m finding that my best experiences in 1:6 are either complete figures that I like right out of the box or building a character from the ground up.  I don’t enjoy trying to “fix” figures or “make it work”.  That’s where about 90% of my frustration has come from…trying to push square pegs into round holes.

Ah ok, that's fair enough. I view everything as a potential project (aside from perhaps Hot Toys figures, lol), but I get that not everyone shares that mindset. ;p

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


skywalkersaga wrote:
Xavion2004 wrote:
skywalkersaga wrote:If you can find a pale head that would work, then it wouldn't be too bad of a swap. Especially if you then sold the original head to make up the cost.

That a great idea, and a few months ago, that’s probably what I would have done. Being an all or nothing kind of guy though, I’m finding that my best experiences in 1:6 are either complete figures that I like right out of the box or building a character from the ground up.  I don’t enjoy trying to “fix” figures or “make it work”.  That’s where about 90% of my frustration has come from…trying to push square pegs into round holes.

Ah ok, that's fair enough. I view everything as a potential project (aside from perhaps Hot Toys figures, lol), but I get that not everyone shares that mindset. ;p

Coming from my other hobby of Gundam models we have the saying "Gunpla is Freedom"  meaning you can do whatever you like.  Do whatever makes you happy.  

I've seen a lot of cynical views in this hobby in the short time I've been collecting and just wanted  to step back and introspect why we are in this hobby?

skywalkersaga I share your views, nothing will be perfect and i see it a challenge to improve a figure where I can.  But I can see Xavion2004 views as some just don't enjoy this aspect.    

Overall just do what makes you happy.


Initially I planned to only open the white shaman and maybe sell the dark one.

I got the first one yesterday, not knowing which hunter it was going to be. And I wasn't going to check the product code. I certainly wasn't going to wait for the second to arrive if this turned out to be the dark one. So I went ahead.

The box is beautiful! Made the HT WW box I handled afterwards feel super cheap.
But when I caught the first glimpse of the upper layer, of her, I put her away again. She looked... bland and I regretted opening her up.

But I slept over it and figured, that she was possibly going to look very different with all the gear, so I went to work.


She is my new favorite figure, pushing Jane and Nancy from their shared first spot. And I can't wait to get the white shaman. Soon.

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those are great pics Diana!!  Very Happy

 I also opened her a few hours ago and can agree she has a great "shelf presence"! 

I love the moveable eyes and the whole figure is just so cool.

The knight is darkest just before the dawn.


Kitsune1000 wrote:

Coming from my other hobby of Gundam models we have the saying "Gunpla is Freedom"  meaning you can do whatever you like.  Do whatever makes you happy.  

I've seen a lot of cynical views in this hobby in the short time I've been collecting and just wanted  to step back and introspect why we are in this hobby?

skywalkersaga I share your views, nothing will be perfect and i see it a challenge to improve a figure where I can.  But I can see Xavion2004 views as some just don't enjoy this aspect.    

Overall just do what makes you happy.
I think budget has a lot to do with the perceived cynicism. If you have a large budget, getting figures that don't meet expectations isn't such a hit. You can quickly and easily replace parts to improve it, or just shove it to the back of the shelf and move on to the next thing.
For me, having lost a business in the pandemic, picking figures is a very cautious business in itself. If I'm spending upwards of £160 on some plastic and rubber, I want it to be pretty damned good plastic and rubber!

Prior to budget constraints, I was of the same mindset. If it doesn't look great, I'll make it look great. 
Now, having to buy heads, hands, parted out clothes etc, in order to better a figure, just isn't appealing. I want, nay, NEED as close to perfect, right out of the box.

Sometimes what makes you happy is out of financial reach.

@Diana... lovely pics. Some nice posing and lighting has really brought the character out in her. You've almost re-tempted me to eBay that head! Dammit!!! 😄


Ghost808 -- I totally get that. I'm out of work atm, myself, so I barely have a budget at all. In fact, I will prob have to take a break from the hobby soon for that reason.... Sad

ETA: Whoops, I missed Diana's awesome photos! She looks amazing in front that fireplace! I love you

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.

Randam Hajile

Randam Hajile
Great Pictures! One can actually see from your pictures how much fun you had with her.

Unfortunately, my dark shaman figure is still en route to Germany via DHL Sad
... but I got my MT White Wolf and D.VA figures yesterday to keep me occupied Smile


skywalkersaga wrote:Ghost808 -- I totally get that. I'm out of work atm, myself, so I barely have a budget at all. In fact, I will prob have to take a break from the hobby soon for that reason.... Sad

ETA: Whoops, I missed Diana's awesome photos! She looks amazing in front that fireplace! I love you
Sorry to hear that sky. It's a pricey hobby, even when finances are stable, let alone being between jobs. Hopefully both of our circumstances will improve soon.

Same here. I've already stopped buying full figures. Unless it's something I just absolutely can't resist. But even that will have to stop very soon. 

I mostly just kitbash, so it's not such an issue for me, but it'd be nice to be able to jump on figures like this on a whim.
Sadly thanks to eBay's new tax rules, and overall inflation, even kitbashing is getting crazy. I saw a tbleague head for $140 earlier today!! (Before tax! 😳). It'll be a 100% pause on 1/6 at this rate! ☹


Founding Father
Beautiful photos, Diana. She’s gorgeous. I’m more than happy to be getting both of these ladies. The stylized heads don’t bother me, as they tend to remind me of The Witch from CooModel from a few years back.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

New Product: Pop Toys 1/6 Witch Hunter - Two Versions - Page 4 C8485110


Touché, Diana. You just shot my “Direct to eBay” plan all to hell, at least for the dark version.


Xavion2004 wrote:Touché, Diana.  You just shot my “Direct to eBay” plan all to hell, at least for the dark version.

That was my intention. Very Happy Twisted Evil I love you

PS: I just caved and ordered the banner. Rolling Eyes


@Diana the red atmosphere setting was great for this figure. Nicely done!

how come your figure's hair seems straighter then mine? did i get a variation??


Founding Father
Thanks for the information and photos, Diana. Glad you like her.

I'll be back!


Thanks for the pics, Diana. She looks pretty cool!



brassco wrote:@Diana  the red atmosphere setting was great for this figure. Nicely done!

how come your figure's hair seems straighter then mine? did i get a variation??
That's what I thought! I'm glad I got lucky here, but I suppose you could straighten the hair with Sky's hot water technique. You shouldn't have to though.

My very pleasure everybody! Glad you're enjoying the photos. Smile


Both of mine were waiting at my front door when I got home yesterday evening.  I wasn’t expecting them until Monday at the earliest.   It was kind of funny, because I was out most of the day, and they were sitting there the whole time that most of the discussion and posting of pictures was taking place.  (I was posting from my phone.)

The package I opened was the dark version which is the one I wanted to open. She is, for lack of a better word…irresistible.  There’s still that contradiction of having a head sculpt that has one foot in Disney World on a body that looks like it belongs in an “R” rated movie, but somehow it works.  I think a lot of that is due to the dark hair, the dark lips, the movable eyes, and the “mask” across them.   Whatever it is, she’s a keeper.   I’m glad Diana posted her pictures when she did, or I might not have even opened the figure.

I haven’t opened the light version yet.   I’m not sure that she’s going to work as well without the darker features, and I’m not sure I need two of these, but she’s gotten a reprieve from eBay until I figure it out.   I would love to see some more pics from Kitsune and/or Diana after they’ve had a chance to work with her a bit.


New Product: Pop Toys 1/6 Witch Hunter - Two Versions - Page 4 CpsJTlZh

New Product: Pop Toys 1/6 Witch Hunter - Two Versions - Page 4 DXaPyP4h

New Product: Pop Toys 1/6 Witch Hunter - Two Versions - Page 4 MudlF2hh

Just adding three pics here I shot yesterday. I also only have the evil version. LEt's wait for the people with the other one. Smile

The knight is darkest just before the dawn.


Wow, Valiarde, fantastic photos!! I clearly need to get myself a tree. Or rather make one. Smile

Xavion, the white one hasn't arrived for me yet, but rest assured I will post pictures as soon as she does. Very Happy


Great photos, Valiarde! She looks really good against your backdrop. This figure seems to photograph really well , especially in a bit of dramatic lighting.

"The happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read,
not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man."

Ignoring current 'official' Star Wars content for my own sanity.


Diana wrote:Wow, Valiarde, fantastic photos!! I clearly need to get myself a tree. Or rather make one. SmileVery Happy
I would make a twisted tree like that by gluing a few pieces of driftwood together.

More of my work can be found at One Sixth Arsenal


shazzdan wrote:
Diana wrote:Wow, Valiarde, fantastic photos!! I clearly need to get myself a tree. Or rather make one. SmileVery Happy
I would make a twisted tree like that by gluing a few pieces of driftwood together.

That is basically what it is - I just made some roots out of modelling clay so that the driftwood can stand upright like a tree. Still a bit short, but okay for some pics

The knight is darkest just before the dawn.


Valiarde wrote:
shazzdan wrote:
Diana wrote:Wow, Valiarde, fantastic photos!! I clearly need to get myself a tree. Or rather make one. SmileVery Happy
I would make a twisted tree like that by gluing a few pieces of driftwood together.

That is basically what it is - I just made some roots out of modelling clay so that the driftwood can stand upright like a tree. Still a bit short, but okay for some pics

It works brilliantly.

More of my work can be found at One Sixth Arsenal


who would have known...that the tree works so well with this figure! So i probably don't need the banner afterall...

I would be surprised if the white shaman shines brighter than the black one...but with so many talented photographers here, even an ordinary figure could become extra-ordinary!


Founding Father
Those shots are really cool, Valiarde. And that “tree” is brilliant.


He who dies with the most toys wins!

New Product: Pop Toys 1/6 Witch Hunter - Two Versions - Page 4 C8485110


shazzdan wrote:
Valiarde wrote:
shazzdan wrote:
Diana wrote:Wow, Valiarde, fantastic photos!! I clearly need to get myself a tree. Or rather make one. SmileVery Happy
I would make a twisted tree like that by gluing a few pieces of driftwood together.

That is basically what it is - I just made some roots out of modelling clay so that the driftwood can stand upright like a tree. Still a bit short, but okay for some pics

It works brilliantly.
Exactly. That's what I was thinking.
I've made two trees before with latex and wire and flock. They looked fantastic!

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